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Access Information


SFS is only available from:

Download the latest Windows version (~16Mb).

Mailing List

If you download SFS, please consider joining the speech-tools mailing list at speech-tools@ucl.ac.uk. This list will be used for bug reports and news of updates. The only available support for SFS is through this list.

Sign up now at the Speech-tools list homepage.

On-line Documentation

All SFS manuals, tutorials and software manual pages are now accessible on-line at:

Copyright & Warranty

SFS is not public domain software, its intellectual property is owned by Mark Huckvale, University College London. However SFS may be used and copied without charge as long as the program remains unmodified and continues to carry this copyright notice. Please contact the author for other licensing arrangements. SFS carries no warranty of any kind, you use it at your own risk.


Please send suggestions for improvements and reports of program faults to sfs@pals.ucl.ac.uk.

Please note that we are unable to provide help with the use of this software.

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