RT list: Introductory Message

From: Aleksandar Carapic (acarapic@sezampro.yu)
Date: Wed Sep 07 2005 - 09:59:57 GMT

  • Next message: Gabriel J. Levy: "RT list: Introduction"

    Dear all,

    My name is Aleksandar Carapic and I am currently engaged in writing the final version of my Master's thesis the Pragmatic Analysis of Verbs in Narrative Model of Dubravka Ugresic (Text-strategies, Cohesion, Grounding, and Point of View) at Department of General Linguistics, Faculty of Philology, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro. Though my dissertation is based on theoretical frameworks that have been developed by text and discourse linguists from Abo, Finland, such as Bjorklund, Enkvist, and Virtanen, Relevance Theory also provides me with valuable insights into pragmatic approach to verbs and in relation to analysis of important textual phenomena such as matadiscourse.

    I am very happy for the given opportunity to join the RT mailing list. You questions, and especially suggestions related to RT application in literary texts analysis will be more than welcome.

    Best regards,

    Sasha Carapic

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