RT list: Introduction

From: Mike Sangrey (MSangrey@BlueFeltHat.org)
Date: Mon Aug 15 2005 - 16:06:06 GMT

  • Next message: Aleksandar Carapic: "RT list: Introductory Message"


    I am perhaps one of the few people on the planet who have a strong
    interest in linguistics while my work is not directly connected to it.

    I have read various articles on RT and discourse. I am currently
    reading, "Diane Blakemore's "Relevance and Linguistic Meaning," Eugene
    Nida's "Contexts in Translating," and Levinsohn's "Pragmatics". I think
    Diane's chapter three is one of the most lucid introductions to RT I've
    read. If she is on the list, "Thank you." I've also picked up bits and
    pieces of semiotics, sociolinguistics, and discourse analysis.

    Obviously, I won't be able, to any significant degree, "to give back to
    the community" here on this list. But I appreciate the opportunity to
    lurk and learn.

    Also, I co-moderate two email lists dedicated to translation and hosted
    by SIL.

    My research interest, if I may refer to it as such, is how coherence (in
    the cognitive sense) is triggered by a text (or utterance, though I'm
    primarily interested in the written signs). I'm convinced that
    coherence is inferential, but how the author triggers that is what I
    want to learn.

    Thank you.

    Mike Sangrey
    msangrey AT BlueFeltHat.org
    Landisburg, Pa.
                "A net of highly cohesive details reveals the truth."

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