RT list: phatic perlocution (continued)

From: Andre Sytnyk (danagro@kp.km.ua)
Date: Sat Oct 23 2004 - 11:19:15 GMT

  • Next message: Andre Sytnyk: "RT list: Closing Statement 2"

    The phatic perlocutionary effect is inferred by means of
    strong and weak implicatures (indirect speech genres compliments,
    irony etc.). In some cases, it is inferred by means
    of both - an implicature and an explicature (the so called "direct"
    speech genres - insults, accusations, marriage proposals) but never as
    a result of an explicature alone. The effect is always anticipated (as
    no utterance is completely asocial). The only difference between
    standardized/conventionalized phatic utterances and their
    non-conventional, creative counterparts is that the former are
    inferred by means of strong implicatures (accessed quickly and
    automatically as a result of their being constituent parts of
    numerous frames stored in our cognitive systems, some of which are
    individual-specific, while others are culture-specific - cultural
    metarepresentations shared by members of a certain language
    community), while the latter -creative phatic utterances - convey a relatively large amount of weak
    implicatures - require more processing and potential can lead to the formation
    of the so-called poetic effects (e.g. humor)caused, for example, by the use of a
    personalized (modified) phatic utterance in situations where a
    standardized one is anticipated.

    Really hope to hear your comments on this!


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