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From: wang_wx (wang_wx@sohu.com)
Date: Mon Sep 08 2003 - 15:57:39 GMT

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    Dear all,
    I am pursuing my master!/s courses at Northwest Polytechnical University of China. I!/m doing some research work on !0politeness and RT!1. I now badly need the following articles. Please help me find them if you can. Thank you all very much.
    The articles I need:
    1. Jary, M. (1998a) !0Relevance Theory and the communication of politeness.!1 Journal of Pragmatics 30:1-19
    2. Jary, M. (1994) !0Relevance and politeness.!1 Cognitive Science Research Papers, nº348. University of Brighton.
    3. Juckr, A. H. (1988) !0The relevance of politenss.!1 Multilingua 7:375-384
    4. Mimura, M. (2000) !0A Relevance-Theoretic Perspective on Politeness (MA Thesis). London: University College.
    5. Padilla Cruz, M. (2001b) !0Compliments and relevance theory.!1 Paper given at XXV Congreso de la Asociacion Espanola de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos (A.E.D.E.A.N.) Departamento de Filologia Inglesa. University of Granada 14 December 2001. In: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference of AEDEAN. Eds. M. Falces Sierra, M. Diaz Duenas and J. M. Perez Hernandez. Granda: University of Granada (CD ROM edition)
    6. Ruhi s. and G. Dogan (2001) !0Relevance theory and compliments as phatic communication: The case of Turkish.!1 In: Linguistic Politeness Across Boundaries. Eds. A. Bayraktaroglu and M. Sifianou. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 341-390
    7. Watts, R.J. (1989) !0Relevance and relation work: Linguistic politeness as poltic behavior.!1 Multilingua 8:131-166
    8. Escandell Vidal, V. (1995b) !0Politeness in relevance theory.!1 Paper presented at Primera Conferencia Internacional en Semanticay Pragmatica Contrastiva. Brighton

    Best wishes!

    Sincerely yours,

    Wanxia Wang

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