experimental semantics workshop

From: b.clark@mdx.ac.uk
Date: Tue Sep 09 2003 - 12:35:09 GMT

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    Just forwarding this message I received via cogling in case anyone is

    Best wishes,


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    Date sent: Fri, 22 Aug 2003 10:05:01 -0700 (PDT)
    From: Jarno Raukko <raukko@ling.helsinki.fi>
    Subject: workshop "On the necessity of experimental methods
    in semantics"
    To: cogling@ucsd.edu
    Send reply to: Jarno Raukko <raukko@ling.helsinki.fi>

    Workshop "On the Necessity of Experimental Methods in Semantics"
    at the 20th Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics,
    Helsinki, Finland, January 7-9, 2004

    Including organized debates, short talks, and discussion.
    Organized by Jarno Raukko (Dept. of English, University of Helsinki)
    and Ulla Vanhatalo (Dept. of Finno-Ugrian Studies, University of

    Submission deadline: Friday, September 12, 2003

    There seems to be growing interest in using experimental and
    questionnaire-based methods in semantic studies, as witnessed by,
    e.g., the program of the 8th Internat'l Cognitive Linguistics
    Conference (Spain, July 2003). On the one hand, this follows a
    tradition of psycholinguists' expansion on 'higher' levels of
    language. On the other, semanticians have been looking for different
    alternatives to broaden their scope of discovery procedures and
    analytical tools. In the latter vein, the search for informant-based
    experimental evidence can also be compared with, e.g., approaches to
    computational experiments and corpus applications.

    We wish to think of experiments not exclusively belonging to the
    domain of psycholinguistics. With 'experimental' we refer to several
    kinds of methods that rely on the (population of) language speaker(s)
    as an active and creative source of information in tailored and
    administered settings. Thus, we would welcome discussion not only on
    psycholinguistic laboratory experiments, but also methods such as
    questionnaires, elicitation tests, follow-up studies, and interview -
    and possibilities for ecological validity, holistic settings, and
    increasing informant-centeredness in the methodology.

    The need for experimental methods primarily grows out of shortcomings
    of other methods to tackle many research questions in the field of
    semantics. For instance, delicate differences between near-synonyms
    are ultimately out of the reach of even the finest corpora. Or, as
    another example, if you are interested in how to divide the senses of
    a polysemous word, only informants performing controlled sorting (and
    other) tasks can give you insight into people's semantic intuitions,
    e.g., on meaning similarity and meaning difference.

    More generally, the necessity for informant-centered methods grows
    of the nature of meaning making: as speakers conceptualize the world
    through their bodily perception and social interaction, they also end
    up being the experts in telling the researcher about the ways of
    language. Also, such phenomena as semantic disagreements are well
    accounted for in experimental studies.

    However, we appreciate differences of opinion not only in people's
    semantics, but within the realm of linguists. Instead of only
    suggesting to our audience that experiments must be seen as a
    necessity, the workshop invites both proponents and critics (and
    sceptics). While doing this, the aim is to tackle the foundation of
    semantic studies and further enhance the match between research
    questions, tacit assumptions, and methods.

    This workshop invites researchers to talk about different approaches
    to the experimental investigation of meaning, and to the necessity of
    this endeavor. This topic hopefully intrigues people from various
    disciplines, e.g., semantics, cognitive linguistics, lexicography,
    psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, social psychology, variation
    studies, anthropological linguistics, field linguistics, folk
    linguistics, and language acquisition. Unconventional approaches are
    especially welcome.

    We welcome contributions no matter whether they are based on
    work, work in progress, or ideational and programmatic turns.
    topics can include (but are not limited to) 7 Example experiments
    (e.g., word meanings; polysemy; synonymy; lexical
     fields; discourse meanings) and their necessity to the research
    7 Discussion / comparison of relevant / possible techniques
    7 Methodological and philosophical views on the matter
    7 Applications that could exploit experimental semantic models /
     (e.g., pedagogy, lexicography) and thus show their necessity

    We would like to ask you to submit your short abstract (about half a
    page, in English) by e-mail to us by Friday, September 12, 2003. In
    this abstract, we would like at least a statement of your main point,
    and a note on whether you might want to give a short presentation or
    participate in a debate or discussion. Please remember that we would
    like to keep the workshop focused on the "necessity (or non-
    of experimental methods in semantic studies".

    Please note that workshop participants need to register for the
    conference in usual fashion. Registration starts on October 1. We
    inform participants of the program of the workshop by September 30,
    and the official conference program will be announced on October 30
    the conference website at www.ling.helsinki.fi/kielitiede/20scl.html

    Send your abstracts and possible questions concerning the workshop


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