(no subject)

From: C.Wang@lboro.ac.uk
Date: Tue Nov 04 2003 - 14:57:06 GMT

  • Next message: Elly Ifantidou: "RT list: metadiscourse enquiry"

    Dear all,

    I'm so glad that I'm now on the RT mailing list.

    I'm a PhD student at Loughborough University, UK supervised by Dr Chris
    Christie. My research looks at the relationship between parental corrective
    speech and the concept of negative evidence from the relevance-theoretic
    point of view. The major finding from my empirical study is that prosody is
    the primary relevance indicator of parents' corrective intention. I'm also
    giving a paper at the Prosody and Pragmatics Confenrence to be held in
    Preston UK from 14-16 Nov..

    I look forward to knowing more people assiciated with RT.

    Best regards

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