Relevance theory course on the net?

From: Nicholas Allott (
Date: Thu Jun 26 2003 - 19:17:03 GMT

  • Next message: Chun Chonghoon: "Article"

    Dear All

    Deirdre Wilson and the Department of Phonetics and Linguistics at UCL
    are considering developing a long-distance learning course in relevance
    theory and pragmatics. It would be based on the existing Pragmatic
    Theory course here which undergraduate and master's students take and
    it would be provided and supported via email and a dedicated
    interactive web-site. If all goes well we hope to pilot the course
    during the next academic year, 2003-4. Other details, including price
    and the way the course will be assessed, have not been fixed yet.

    We would like to gauge interest in the course now, to help us estimate
    the number, level and geographical distribution of students we should
    provide for. If you might be interested, please email me
    <> (not the list) to let me know. If you know of
    other people who might be interested I would be very grateful to know
    about that as well - for example, university lecturers might know of
    students who would be interested but who do not read these mailings.

    I will also be happy to try to find answers to any questions you have
    about the course.


    Nicholas Allott
    Relevance list administrator

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