
From: Chun Chonghoon (
Date: Tue Jul 01 2003 - 09:22:10 GMT

  • Next message: Chun Chonghoon: "Article"

    Dear all

    I'm a Ph. D. candidate in Japan Centre of Australian
    National University. I'm researching so-called
    concessive connectives in Japanese and Korean, on the
    basis of the principle of relevance.

    I'm interested in the pragmatic constraints of
    connectives in natural conversation. I need the
    following article:

    He, Z. and R. Yongping (1999) "The pragmatic
    constraints of discourse connectives." Foreign
    Language Teaching and Research 3.

    Unfortunately, I couldn't find it at all the libraries
    of ANU. If anyone knows the information of it, please
    let me know how to obtain it.

    God bless you!

    Chonghoon Chun

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