Pragmatics textbook?

From: Dick Hudson (
Date: Thu Dec 07 2000 - 21:06:23 GMT

  • Next message: J L Speranza: "Re: Pragmatics textbook?"

    Dear Colleague,
    The following message has just appeared on Linguist, and I thought someone
    on this list might be able to help. Please reply to Peter Svenonius, not me!
    Dick Hudson

    Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2000 14:09:47 +0100
    From: Peter Svenonius <>
    Subject: Gricean Pragmatics Text - Source?

    I am in the awkward position of trying to determine whether
    a freshman term paper is an exceptionally well-written and clear
    discussion of Gricean pragmatics or a shameless example of
    plagiary. My colleagues and I have looked at introductory texts
    on pragmatics but have not found a likely source. Does
    anybody out there recognize the following sample passages?

    "Let us say that Mr. Ironside is running late for an important meeting. He
    knows where the meeting is to be held, it is somewhere on Weissmueller
    Street, but he has no idea how to get there. So he stops Mrs. Emerson on
    the way to the grocery store and asks, "Excuse me, but do you know the
    shortest way to Weissmueller Street?" Mrs. Emerson, seeing that Mr.
    Ironside is in a hurry, starts giving him directions to the best of her
    ability, but it is not an easy task. Weissmueller Street is literally on
    the other side of town, and explaining the most efficient route through the
    intricate maze of squares and alleys is exceedingly hard. Although Mrs.
    Emerson knows perfectly well where Weissmueller Street is, she offers only
    a vague and largely insufficient set of directives, and at the end she
    adds, "...but if you take the subway you could be there in ten minutes,"
    whereupon Mr. Ironside, who had for some reason not considered this
    possibility, replies, "thank you very much" and heads for the nearest
    subway station."

    Another randomly selected paragraph:

    'The Maxim of Manner'
    "In any conversation utterances are expected to be as concise and orderly
    as possible. Let us say that Mrs. Baxter comes home from work one day and
    asks her husband how his day has been, whereupon he answers, "He ordered a
    chicken salad. I couldn't get the car started this morning. I had lunch
    with Mr. Eastwood. I think she is developing a drinking problem. I had a
    chicken salad too. I arrived for work almost an hour late. Miss Cox doesn't
    seem to be doing too well these days. We went to the little Spanish
    restaurant across the street from Toby's. I was fired. I left my wallet in
    the car...", and so forth. By this time Mrs. Baxter is probably assuming
    that her husband is about to have a nervous breakdown, or something to that
    effect. Mr. Baxter is clearly violating the maxim of manner. Although his
    account of the day's events is not exactly ambiguous or obscure, he fails
    to be orderly. His wife, as most speakers of the English language would,
    expects her husband to follow a chronological order when describing how his
    day has been, and as he does not do so she finds it very hard to form a
    correct idea of the situation. She also expects him to provide her with the
    most important information first, and in this case the most important piece
    of intelligence is likely to be that her husband has lost his job. In any
    case it is clear that Mr. Baxter has neglected the importance of being

    Peter Svenonius

    Richard (= Dick) Hudson

    Phonetics and Linguistics, University College London,
    Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT.
    +44(0)20 7679 3152; fax +44(0)20 7383 4108;

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