Re: RT list: Non-sentential utterances, logical form, explicatures (e.g. in poetry)

Date: Sun Feb 13 2011 - 12:53:26 GMT

Believe it or not, I have written it without the slightless hesitation, which you would also be able to do had you heard it pronounced it just once (as I did).
As soon as we hear it, we immediately map the appropriate intonation of the expression with a phrase structure. It is only AFTER we have easily done that apparently difficult feat that we are able to go on along the other steps that I pointed to yesterday until we complete the whole interpretation process.

I would humbly suggest that there is precious little physical evidence that we do do any kind of this interpretive labour.  Or: if anyone can point to what these "phrase structures" are on the physical level, I would be happy to see it.  
Received on Sun Feb 13 12:53:40 2011

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