Re: RT list: Non-sentential utterances, logical form, explicatures (e.g. in poetry)

From: Jose Luis Guijarro Morales <>
Date: Sun Feb 13 2011 - 09:43:53 GMT

Yes, you are right. Like Sperber and Wilson, I believe that the chomskyan frame is quite adequate to clarify things. And to those that would question the basic syntactic level, as you seem to be claiming, I propose this quiz.

What meaning do you think the following chain has?

That that is is that that is not is not that that is is not that that is not nor is that that is not that that is is that it?

Believe it or not, I have written it without the slightless hesitation, which you would also be able to do had you heard it pronounced it just once (as I did).

As soon as we hear it, we immediately map the appropriate intonation of the expression with a phrase structure. It is only AFTER we have easily done that apparently difficult feat that we are able to go on along the other steps that I pointed to yesterday until we complete the whole interpretation process.

Do you have a better description of it?

I'd be mighty interested in reading it!

José Luis Guijarro
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
Universidad de Cádiz
11002 Cádiz, España (Spain)
tlf: (34) 956-011.613
fax: (34) 956-015.505
Received on Sun Feb 13 09:44:08 2011

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