Re: RT list: Non-sentential utterances, logical form, explicatures (e.g. in poetry)

From: Jose Luis Guijarro Morales <>
Date: Sun Feb 13 2011 - 13:24:51 GMT

> ---
> I would humbly suggest that there is precious little physical evidence that we do do any kind of this interpretive labour. Or: if anyone can point to what these "phrase structures" are on the physical level, I would be happy to see it.

I'm not sure I understand your argument/claim/petition.

I cannot point to what these phrase structure representations are on the physical level as I cannot point to what my representation of my mother, our representation of the Egyptian victory over Mubarak dictatorship, some people's idea about economics, our desire to be happy and hosts of other mental representations, are on the physical level --no less!

If you can, as I said before, I would be very interested in reading about it! If you can't, does that mean that you have no mental representations? [I humbly believe that you mix the cognitive frame of reference with the physical one, but I may be wrong, of course]

In any case, I repeat what I said at the beginning of this post: I don't think I understand your argument/claim/petition. Could you perhaps elaborate?

José Luis Guijarro
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
Universidad de Cádiz
11002 Cádiz, España (Spain)
tlf: (34) 956-011.613
fax: (34) 956-015.505
Received on Sun Feb 13 13:25:12 2011

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