Software in Speech, Hearing and Phonetic Sciences

Matlab Software

Spectral rotation
A suite of Matlab scripts that perform spectral rotation, of the kind described by Blesser B (1972) Speech perception under conditions of spectral transformation: I. Phonetic characteristics. J Sp & Hear Res, 15: 5-41. For a study that has used this technique, and for examples, follow this link. The software is available here free of charge but with no guarantees and copyright retained by UCL.

Praat scripts

A Praat script for large-scale systematic prosody analysis, especially for experimental data. The script allows users to perform systematic analysis of large amounts of data and generates a rich set of output, including both continuous data like time-normalized F0 contours and F0 velocity profiles suitable for graphical analysis, and discrete measurements suitable for statistical analysis. See Xu (2013) for reference.
A Praat script for large-scale systematic analysis of continuous formant movements, generating many measurements of continuous formant trajectories similar to those generated by ProsodyPro for F0 contours
A set of Praat scripts for performing quantitative modeling of prosody based on the PENTA model. For references, see Prom-on et al. (2009) and Xu & Prom-on (2014).

Other Software

ProSynth Project Deliverables
ProSynth was a research project looking at "all-Prosodic" speech synthesis. A number of data and software deliverables are available.


FIX - Feature Information Xfer
FIX (Feature Information Xfer) is a set of programs designed to facilitate analysis of confusion matrices by both ordinary and sequential information transfer analysis (SINFA - Wang & Bilger, 1973, JASA, 54[5] 1248-1266). The programs may be menu-driven, or run as stand-alone modules. These executables run under MS-DOS on an IBM PC or clone. The programs have also been used under UNIX on a MASSCOMP 5/6000 series computer. Source code may be made available for users with special needs. The software is available here free of charge but with copyright retained by UCL.


POLYFIT - Polynomial Fitting of auditory filter shapes
POLYFIT is a program for the fitting of roex filter shapes to thresholds measured in notched noise, especially as a function of level. This software implements the procedures described in a series of publications, most recently: Rosen, S., Baker, R. J., & Darling, A. M. (1998) "Auditory filter nonlinearity at 2 kHz in normal hearing listeners," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 103, 2539-2550. These executables run under MS-DOS on an IBM PC or clone. They are written in ANSI C and source code may be made available for users with special requirements. The software is available here free of charge but with copyright retained by UCL.

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RTGRAM - Real-time Spectrographic Display

RTGRAM is a free program for displaying a real-time scrolling speech spectrogram on Windows computers. More information.

CochSim - Cochlear Simulation teaching tool

CochSim is a dynamic simulation of the time and frequency analysis performed by the ear. Sound signals such as sinewaves, pulse trains, sawtooth waves and vowels can be fed into an auditory filterbank and the output monitored in a moving animated display. The program shows the vibration of the oval window and the basilar membrane, the haircell activity against filter frequency and time, and an average excitation pattern across the cochlea. More information.