Re: RT list: Re: C-P (logical properties of procedural expressions)

From: Minh Dang <>
Date: Tue Jan 08 2008 - 14:28:03 GMT

    Response: According to Wilson’s lectures and RT, concepts have logical propeties in the sense that they can enter entailment and contradiction relationships. I am not sure how HOUSE can enter contradiction relationship without resorting to the ‘not’ element. Could you please give me an example of the contradiction relationship that HOUSE enters without using the ‘not’ element?

Christoph Unger <> wrote:

Hmm. In an utterance `The house is big', the concept HOUSE tells the
speaker not to accept a lorry or a river or a tree as intended
referent. But no-one would say that `not lorry' `not river', `not
tree' etc. is among the logical properties of the word `house'. So why
should `not look for a female' be part of the logical entry of `he'?

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Received on Tue Jan 8 14:28:36 2008

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