Re: RT list: Is there a spreading activation network inside a conceptual address?

From: Stavros Assimakopoulos (
Date: Thu Feb 02 2006 - 17:51:23 GMT

  • Next message: Ronnie Sim: "RT list: I'm trying to contact Anna Papafragou"

    Hello all,
    In my research, I am interested in looking into what the study of
    memory has to say about the organisation of concepts and mental content
    and link it to RT. I would be grateful if anyone could direct me to any
    relevant works on this in the cognitive psychology literature? Thanks
    in advance for your time.


    Quoting Dan Sperber <>:

    > Luis asks an interesting question to which RT
    > does not, and is not meant to, provide a direct
    > answer. The study of memory is a well-developed
    > field within cognitive psychology and
    > neuroscience and what we should aim at is
    > fruitful interaction with it. This goes both
    > ways. Whatever is found about memory is relevant
    > to us because it determines accessibility which
    > affects relevance. Conversely, the Cognitive
    > Principle (human cognition is geared towards the
    > maximization of relevance) has implications for
    > memory: we should in particular expect memory to
    > be so organised as to favor the activation of
    > what is likely to be relevant to ongoing
    > cognitive processes. Chunking in particular (and
    > a concept is chunk - which may itself have
    > sub-parts) should reflect probabilities of
    > various pieces of information being relevant in
    > the same contexts. This in turn is likely to be
    > related to objective properties of the world and
    > of its affordances for humans. The idea of
    > spreading activation is one that fits
    > particularly well with ideas in RT, since it
    > allows for the effect of various contextual
    > factors of relevance to interact and to give
    > greater accessibility to pieces of informations
    > linked to more factors. Luis raises a more
    > specific question: do we need two levels of
    > networking: one intra-conceptual, the other
    > inter-concepts, so to speak. This seems too rigid
    > at first blush, if only because much of the
    > information within a conceptual entry links it to
    > other concepts, so how would you keep levels
    > separate? In fact, one classical way to look at
    > conceptual entries is to think of them as the
    > network of links of a given node. This
    > alternative by itself might be too loose. Imagine
    > as a third, more attractive alternative a single
    > network with differences in thresholds of
    > activation defining distinct areas and sub-areas
    > corresponding to concepts, for instance. But the
    > right description is for the (neuro-)psychology of memory to discover.
    > Cheers, Dan
    > At 06:19 24/01/2006, you wrote:
    >> Hello, a question:
    >> I understand that in the RT framework some form of a spreading
    >> activation model of memory is accepted, so that nodes can be said to
    >> be linked with other nodes containing information in an intricate
    >> complex system. I also understand that three types of information
    >> can be stored in a conceptual address or node: the logical entry,
    >> the encyclopedia entry, and the lexical entry. However, my question
    >> pertains specifically to the information stored intrinsically in a
    >> particular conceptual address or node. If a spreading activation
    >> model is used to link nodes and other information together, then can
    >> it also be said that there is another deeper level network of
    >> spreading activation taking place intrinsically in a particular node
    >> which links information from a logical entry, encyclopedic entry,
    >> and lexical entry? Perhaps due to the inferential nature of the
    >> logical entry it may not be linked to a network at all (I don’t
    >> know). At any rate, to be more precise, what I am really pondering
    >> is if the information in the encyclopedic entry (a vast store of
    >> potential information) is also stored and organized intrinsically in
    >> a particular node in some form of a spreading activation network?
    >> Are there actually two layers of spreading activation networks at
    >> work inside the mind? Is there a spreading activation network
    >> linking the nodes, and another (perhaps more complicated) spreading
    >> activation network linking the information of the encyclopedic entry
    >> specifically inside a node? This may be something well known to
    >> others, but I am not familiar with this. Perhaps someone can direct
    >> me to any psycholinguistic research addressing this issue.
    >> Does anyone have any comment on this?
    >> Greatly appreciated,
    >> -Luis C. Reyes

    Stavros Assimakopoulos

    PhD student Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics University of Edinburgh

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