RT list: Visiting lecturer work at the University of Hertfordshire

From: Marjolein Groefsema (M.Groefsema@herts.ac.uk)
Date: Wed Feb 01 2006 - 15:41:44 GMT

  • Next message: Stavros Assimakopoulos: "Re: RT list: Is there a spreading activation network inside a conceptual address?"

    Due to sudden serious illness of a member of staff, we urgently need
    someone to teach our modules Sociolinguistics (level 3) and Language in
    Use (discourse analysis, level 2) as well as a couple of first year
    seminars for Structures of English (basic phonetics and grammar) in the
    coming semester. This would involve five hours on Mondays (Sociolinguistics
    11-2 and Structures of English 3-5 pm) and five hours on Tuesdays (Language
    in Use 11-2 and 3-5 pm).

    The semester runs from next Monday (6 February) until the 26th of May, with
    exams for all three modules in the two weeks following this.

    We are looking for someone who can start as soon as possible, although we
    can delay the start of the modules.

    Please contact me by email if you are interested or know someone who is

    Best wishes,
    Marjolein Groefsema

    Dr Marjolein Groefsema
    Subject Leader for English Language & Communication
    School of Humanities
    University of Hertfordshire Email: M.Groefsema@herts.ac.uk
    De Haviland Campus Tel. +1707 285699
    Hatfield AL10 9AB

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