RT list: Is there a spreading activation network inside a conceptual address?

From: LuisCReyes@aol.com
Date: Tue Jan 24 2006 - 05:19:41 GMT

  • Next message: Dan Sperber: "RT list: Is there a spreading activation network inside a conceptual address?"

    Hello, a question:
    I understand that in the RT framework some form of a spreading activation
    model of memory is accepted, so that nodes can be said to be linked with other
    nodes containing information in an intricate complex system. I also
    understand that three types of information can be stored in a conceptual address or
    node: the logical entry, the encyclopedia entry, and the lexical entry.
    However, my question pertains specifically to the information stored intrinsically
    in a particular conceptual address or node. If a spreading activation model
    is used to link nodes and other information together, then can it also be said
    that there is another deeper level network of spreading activation taking
    place intrinsically in a particular node which links information from a logical
    entry, encyclopedic entry, and lexical entry? Perhaps due to the inferential
    nature of the logical entry it may not be linked to a network at all (I don’
    t know). At any rate, to be more precise, what I am really pondering is if
    the information in the encyclopedic entry (a vast store of potential
    information) is also stored and organized intrinsically in a particular node in some
    form of a spreading activation network? Are there actually two layers of
    spreading activation networks at work inside the mind? Is there a spreading
    activation network linking the nodes, and another (perhaps more complicated)
    spreading activation network linking the information of the encyclopedic entry
    specifically inside a node? This may be something well known to others, but I am
    not familiar with this. Perhaps someone can direct me to any psycholinguistic
    research addressing this issue.
    Does anyone have any comment on this?
    Greatly appreciated,
    -Luis C. Reyes

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