RE: RT list: RT List:Communicative clues

Date: Tue May 31 2005 - 11:36:15 GMT

  • Next message: Stefan Malmberg: "RT list: Explicatures"

    Dear Stefan, dear all,


    (I am addressing this to all, since there have been other inquiries
    regarding "communicative clues".)

    As far as I am aware, the notion "communicative clue" in the
    relevance-theoretic context goes back to the first edition of my book
    "Translation and relevance" (1991, Oxford: Blackwell - for references see
    index "clues, communicative"; also in the 2nd edition, St. Jerome:


    The most important facts about the notion "communicative clue" (as used by
    me) are the following:

    a) "this concept does not have any theoretical status of its own" (1991:164;

    I introduced it in ch. 6 of my book primarily for expository purposes to
    develop the concept of 'direct translation', but showing in chapter 7 that
    direct translation can be accounted for without any reference to
    'communicative clues':

    "As it turned out, we were able to [provide a technical definition of direct
    translation] without reference to 'communicative clue', since this concept
    does not have any theoretical status of its own but is, in fact, derived
    from the notion of 'interpretive use'." (loc.cit.)

    That is why there is no precise definition of this concept - nor need there
    be one since it is not needed to account for the phenomena of interlingual
    interpretive use (or any other form of ostensive-inferential communication
    that I am aware of).


    b) However, as already anticipated in 1991 (loc. cit.), a number of
    translation people have found this concept helpful for practical purposes -
    Jutta Muschard being one of them. While I agree from experience that it can
    help translators, the danger is that they lose sight of the purely auxiliary
    status of this notion and begin to focus on it - rather than on the intended
    interpretation. I have tried to caution against this in the article "Textual
    properties, communicative clues and the translator". Transcultural
    communication: pragmalinguistic aspects. M. P. Navarro-Errasti, R. Lorus, S.
    Murillo and C. Buesa. Zaragoza, ANUBAR Ediciones: 2000:151-160. (You can
    read/download a pre-publication version from the net at - just search for "Gutt" under author, and
    it will be among the papers coming up.)


    For anyone interested, here are references of others who have applied this

    Folgado, V. L. (2000). The role of italics in translation: A pragmatic view.
    Transcultural communication: pragmalinguistic aspects. M. P.
    Navarro-Errasti, R. Lorus, S. Murillo and C. Buesa, unknown: 91-98.

    Navarro-Errasti, M. P. (1993). Communicative clues and the cost/benefit
    balance in translation. Drunk with words: Perspectives on the English
    lexicon. M. P. Navarro-Errasti and J. Martin. Zaragoza, Universidad de
    Zaragoza: 75-88.

    Navarro-Errasti, M. P. (1995). Communicative clues in 'Sir Gawain and the
    Green Knight'. Historical pragmatics: pragmatic developments in the history
    of English. A. H. Jucker. Amsterdam, John Benjamins Publishing Co.

    Navarro-Errasti, M. P. (2001). "Transferring communicative clues in
    translation." REVISTA ALICANTINA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES 14: 137-150.


    I trust that this helps to clarify the matter. Sorry for the belated
    response but I was away for the last two weeks.


    Best regards,

    Ernst-August Gutt



    [] On Behalf Of Stefan Malmberg
    Sent: 16 May 2005 18:09
    To: relevance list
    Subject: RT list: RT List:Communicative clues


    Hi all,


    I wonder if any of you can give me a precise definition of what
    communicative clues

    are in the context of RT? In her thesis Relevant Translations:History,

    Presentation, Criticism, Application (Peter Lang 1996) Jutta Muschard

    ' On the whole, the notion of communicative clues seems somewhat vague,

    insofar as by now it was only said that they are, at least in part,
    determined by

    the logical entries of the concept it contains and not by the

    encyclopaedic entry.'


    Looking forward to hearing from you





    Stefan Malmberg

    Måsvägen 3A1

    22100 Mariehamn



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