RT list: RT and computer implementation

From: Husain Qutbuddin (husain.qutbuddin@uscnet.com)
Date: Wed Apr 13 2005 - 18:11:56 GMT

  • Next message: Francisco Yus: "RT list: RAEI Call for Papers: New deadline and modified"


    I am looking for publications on RT and its implementation on computer: in the field of natural language processing, artificial intelligence or computational linguistics. More specifically, I am interested in any computer implementation of the concept of "cognitive environment", consisting of "concepts" and related "encyclopaedic entries", "logical rules" and "lexical information", either as an electronic database or any other kind of computer representation.

    My purpose is to investigate the feasability of developing an electronic database that represents "world knowledge" (or any other domain specific knowledge) in terms of the cognitive modules specified by RT.

    I will appreciate any references to publications of the sort mentioned above, or to any current such projects that are going on.

    With all good wishes,
    Husain Qutbuddin

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