RT list: Object-Frames and Meta-Frames

From: Jlsperanza@aol.com
Date: Sat Oct 23 2004 - 00:04:50 GMT

  • Next message: Andre Sytnyk: "Re: RT list: Object-Frames and Meta-Frames"

    In a message dated 10/22/2004 9:12:52 AM Eastern Standard Time,
    danagro@kp.km.ua writes:

    Dear all,
    Are "cultural metarepresentations" (RT) and "frames" (Lakoff,
    Fillmore) the same thing?

    Mmm. Interesting. I checked 'frame' with the OED, and there this addition
    (below) to the new edition, which relates it to a 'metanarrative'
    (Incidentally, no apparent recognition so far in the OED to 'frame' as used by Lakoff or
    Fillmore). It doesn't seem to me that 'frame' _should_ involves a 'meta-'
    element, a 'cultural _meta_-representation' by definition does?, but then cf.
    Chandra (below) -- Cheers,
    From the OED
    'frame'. A section of narrative which _encloses_ or introduces the main
    narrative (or narratives) of a text, esp. one which comments upon or sets in
    context the primary narrative. Cf. frame story, sense 16, METANARRATIVE n.

    1995 V. CHANDRA Red Earth & Pouring Rain (1996) 24
    ‘So,’ he said. ‘What's your narrative frame?’ ‘My what?’ I said. ‘Your
    frame story.’.. ‘You don't have one, do you.’ ‘No,’ I said, shame-faced. ‘I
    was just going to tell it, straightforwardly, you see.’

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