RT list:RT and authorial intent

From: Stefan Malmberg (stefan.malmberg@aland.net)
Date: Mon May 03 2004 - 23:02:18 GMT

  • Next message: Jlsperanza@aol.com: "Re: RT list: Direct Quotation"

    Hi all,

    In the course of my reseerach on RT and literary translation I have begun to reflect
    on the applicability of RT to literary communication. Of course R T transcends the
    tradtional semiotic code model accounting for different shades of strong and weak
    communication with manifestness and according modification of our cognitive
    environments, which include enclyclopaedic knowledge. So far so good. Yet how
    does one square RT's insistence on communication being subsumed under the
    principle of relevance which assumes communicative intent on the part of the
    author with literary communication especially which according to many researchers is polysemic and multilayered, consisting of several different stratifications of meaning, many of which are unintentionally generated by the author? Is it possible to gauge the success of literary translation with the minimum amount of information processing the maximum number of contextual effects when relevant communication and authorial intent cannot be guaranteed? Looking forward to hearing from some of you!

    Best wishes

    Stefan Malmberg
    Måsvägen 3A1
    22100 Mariehamn

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