RT list: RT Online Bibliography: April 2004 update

From: Francisco Yus (F.YUS@mail.ono.es)
Date: Sun May 02 2004 - 09:24:36 GMT

  • Next message: Stefan Malmberg: "RT list:RT and authorial intent"

    References added to the RT Online Bibliography (www.ua.es/dfing/rt.htm) in April 2004.


    Francisco Yus

    Appiah Amfo, N.A., S. Boateng and T. Fretheim (2004) "Markers of recurrence in two European and two African languages." ISK Working Papers 1: 1-23.

    Blakemore, D. (2000) "Indicators and procedures: Nevertheless and but." Journal of Linguistics 36(3): 463-486.
    (link added to reference)

    Breheny, R. (forthcoming) "Communication and folk psychology." Mind & Language.

    Fretheim, T. (2004a) "Predicating a difference: How much is semantics, how much pragmatics?" ISK Working Papers 1: 25-43.

    Fretheim, T. (2004b) "'Switch-polarity' anaphora in English and Norwegian." ISK Working Papers 1: 45-67.

    Fretheim, T. (2004c) "'All things considered' -The pragmatics of a linguistically expressed contextual premise." ISK Working Papers 1: 117-132.

    Fretheim, T. and I. Vasko (2004) "The reanalysis of a causal connective as a concessive connective in Hungarian and Norwegian." ISK Working Papers 1: 89-114.

    Goethals, P. (2004) "Review of D. Blakemore's Relevance and Linguistic Meaning. The Semantics and Pragmatics of Discourse Markers." Functions of Language 10(2).

    González Rodríguez, M.J. (2002) "La incidencia de la dimensión contextual en la producción del título periodístico." Atlantis XXIV(2): 129-148.

    Landragin, F. (2003b) Modélisation de la communication multimodale. Vers une formalisation de la pertinence. Ph.D Thesis. University Henri Poincaré, Nancy, 2003.

    Landragin, F., N. Bellalem and L. Romary (2001) "Compréhension automatique du geste et de la parole spontanés en communication homme-machine: Apport de la théorie de la pertinence." In: Oralité et gestualité. Interactions et comportements multimodaux dans la communication (Proceedings of ORAGE'01), L'Harmattan, 2001, 390-393.

    Medin D.L., J.D. Coley, G. Storms and B.K. Hayes (2003) "A relevance theory of induction." Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 10(3): 517-532.
    (link added to reference)

    Pons Bordería, S (2004) Conceptos y aplicaciones de la teoría de la relevancia. Cuadernos de Lengua Española 79. Madrid: Arco Libros.

    Recanati, F. (2003) Literal Meaning. The very Idea. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    (link to a draft of the book added)

    Ruiz Gurillo, L. (2000b) "Las metáforas de un día en los medios de comunicación españoles." Estudios de Lingüística 14: 199-215.

    Sperber, D. (2002) "In defense of massive modularity." In: Language, Brain and Cognitive Development: Essays in Honor of Jacques Mehler. Ed. E. Dupoux. Cambridge, Mass. MIT Press, 47-57.

    Sperber, D. (forthcoming) "Modularity and relevance: How can a massively modular mind be flexible and context-sensitive?" To appear in The Innate Mind: Structure and Content. Edited by P. Carruthers, S. Laurence and S. Stich.

    Sperber, D. and L. Hirschfeld (2004) "The cognitive foundations of cultural stability and diversity." Trends in Cognitive Sciences 8(1): 40-46.

    Sperber, D. and I. Noveck (forthcoming) "Introduction." To appear in I. Noveck and D. Sperber (eds.) Experimental Pragmatics. Palgrave.

    Sperber, D. and G. Origgi (forthcoming) "Qu'est-ce que la pragmatique peut apporter à l'étude de l'évolution du langage?" To appear in J.-M. Hombert (ed.) L'origine de l'homme, du langage et des langues.

    Van der Henst, J.P. and D. Sperber (in press) "Testing the cognitive and the communicative principles of relevance." To appear in Experimental Pragmatics. Eds. Ira Noveck and Dan Sperber. London: Palgrave.

    Vaskó, I. and T. Fretheim (2004) "A contrastive pragmatic analysis of two concessive markers: Norwegian riktignok and Hungarian jöllehet." ISK Working Papers 1: 69-87.

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