RT list: Zeno Vendler

From: Jlsperanza@aol.com
Date: Mon Jan 26 2004 - 17:37:22 GMT

  • Next message: Francisco Yus: "RT list: RT Online Bibliography: January 26th update"

            vendle, v. To attempt to sell a philosopher a
            linguistic bill of goods; hence, vendler, n. one
            who vendles.

    From the Linguist List (http://linguistlist.org/):

    "Zeno Vendler died of kidney failure on January 13, 2004, while on an
    extended stay with family in Hungary. He was 82, and had retired earlier from UCSD.
    He also taught at Cornell, Brooklyn College, and the University of Calgary,
    where he was a founding member of the philosophy department."

    Vendler's _Res Cogitans_ is cited by D. Rosenthal, in D. Sperber,

    C. Recanati has presented a revision and correction of Vendler's taxonomy of
    verbs (in French).

    From http://www.phil.ucalgary.ca/people/vendler.html

    Res Cogitans: An Essay In Rational Psychology. Cornell University Press,
    London, 1972. Using the techniques of generative linguistics and of analytical
    philosophy, he treats in detail the relationship between speech and thought and
    develops his own distinctively rationalistic Cartesian perspective on the
    concept of mind. He argues that speech is essentially the expression of thought and
    sets out to distinguish between the objective and the subjective dimensions
    of thought. He examines learning and understanding speech in terms of a
    distinction between native and acquired parts of language. He uses his results to
    reject the empiricist and behaviourist views of the human mind and defend a
    modified and improved version of the Cartesian view.

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