RT list: Lingistics Research Training for Postgraduates: Mar 29 - Apr 2 2004

From: Watson, Kevin (k.d.watson@lancaster.ac.uk)
Date: Wed Jan 21 2004 - 10:38:34 GMT

  • Next message: Robin Setton: "RT list: building a context"

    Attention Postgraduate Students:

    The North West Centre for Linguistics is delighted to announce...

    NWCL Research Training Programme
    Spring 2004

    29 March - 2 April 2004
    University of Manchester

    **A week of courses on theoretical and applied linguistics and linguistic research methodology.**

    **Includes the NWCL Annual Lecture**

    **Numerous Social Events**


    Week long courses in:

    Comparative Syntax
    - Nigel Vincent (University of Manchester)
    - John Payne (University of Manchester)
    - Willem Hollmann (Lancaster University)
    - Bob Borsley (University of Essex)
    - Dik Bakker (University of Amsterdam)

    - Computational Linguistics
    - Paul Bennett (UMIST)
    - Debora Field (UMIST)
    - Blaise Nkwenti-Azeh (UMIST)
    - Doug Arnold (Essex)
    - Marie-Josée Hamel (UMIST)

    Afternoon sessions include:

    - Getting a job in linguistics (various speakers)
    - Field methods (Jeanette Sakel, Manchester)
    - Tools for language documentation and description (Peter Austin, SOAS)
    - Key terms in linguistics: Formal explanation (Steve Pulman, Oxford)
    - Corpora, Description & Theory (Geoff Leech, Lancaster)

    For more information on the course programme, see the NWCL website

    The NWCL Annual Lecture

    Monday 29th March 2004
    Arts Building, University of Manchester, 5.30pm

    Penelope Eckert
    Stanford University

    Title to be announced.

    The Annual Lecture coincides with the Research Training Programme, but is open to everyone.

    Student sponsorhip available

    Thanks to BAAL, LAGB, and the Philological Society, we can offer sponsorship of two students from UK institutions who attend the Research Programme. Up to 300UKP is available per student to cover travel and accommodation. There is also additional funding available as smaller contributions towards travel and accommodation to students from NWCL institutions. Deadline for Sponsorship is the 30th JANUARY 2004. See the website for more information on how to apply.

    Registration Fees

    The full programme (morning and afternoon sessions) costs 20UKP for
    students from NWCL institutions, and 25UKP for all other students. It
    is also possible to regsiter for single afternoon sessions, at a cost of 3.50UKP per session for students from NWCL institutions and 5UKP for all other students.

    To register, download a registration form from the NWCL Website (http://www.nwcl.salford.ac.uk/research.htm).

    Deadline for registration is the 1 MARCH 2004.

    If you have any questions, email Kevin Watson at k.d.watson@lancaster.ac.uk

    Important Dates:

    Deadline for sponsorhip applications: 30th January 2004
    Deadline for registering on the programme: 1 March 2004.

    Kevin Watson
    Department of Linguistics and Modern English Language
    Lancaster University
    Lancaster, LA1 4YT 
    Tel: 0044(0)1524-94650

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