RT list: new to the list

From: Andre Sytnyk (danagro@kp.km.ua)
Date: Wed Jan 14 2004 - 07:39:33 GMT

  • Next message: Andre Sytnyk: "RT list: what is happening to "literally"?"

    Dear All,

    I've recently discovered about this expert-forum through Dan Sperber
    Himself (Aum!) and read through all of your 552 threads at one sitting
    (to be honest, skipped some of Mr. Speranza's though :)

    I realize that the Relevance Theory Congregation is not a
    Charity NGO, however was wondering if anybody could consider donating (used) Relevance Theory-related
    materials to a "developing" (PC euphemism for "very poor" even though
    it was established way back in 1918) State University in Ukraine, striving to popularize
    Relevance Theoretic Ideas (and Ideals) in the Russian-speaking world.

    "Relevance Communication and Cognition" and/or the (forthcoming)
    "Handbook of Pragmatics" would be so much appreciated!

    (I'm not sure, whether it'll relieve you from paying taxes in your
    home-country, the way it usually works in case of regular sponsorship :)

    One World - One Theory! :)

    Andre Sytnyk
    Kamyanets-Podilsky State University

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