Re: Call for Papers: XIX Conference of the Association of Young Linguists

From: Maruenda Sergio (
Date: Thu Aug 21 2003 - 08:32:46 GMT

  • Next message: Mai Zaki: "Non-reciprocal Communication in RT"

    Dear all,

    I apologize for the mistake in the dates of our conference. The conference
    is to be held in March 10th-12th, 2004. Sorry for any inconveniences. All
    the best

    >Dear all,
    >The Association of Young Linguists (AJL) is pleased to invite you to the
    >XIX Conference of the Association of Young Linguists that will be held on
    >the 10th, 11th and 12th March 2004 in the Facultat de Filologia of the
    >University of Valencia, Spain.
    >The Association of Young Linguists was founded in Barcelona in 1992. Its
    >members are PhD students and researchers, and those working in Faculties of
    >Philology in Spain or abroad, devoted to the study of language and
    >linguistics and related disciplines. According to the standing rules of
    >the AJL, our aims are:
    >1. To foster the study and research on linguistics and stimulate
    >communication and cooperation between young scholars in this discipline.
    >2. To promote the acknowledgement of linguistics as an autonomous
    >3. To cooperate in publishing current research papers and projects by means
    >of scientific meetings, conferences, publications and other initiatives.
    >4. To enhance cultural exchange by encouraging linguistic research in
    >different languages.
    >From 1992 onwards, the AJL has gathered yearly in several universities in
    >Spain in order to hold its conferences, in which the members of the
    >Association have delivered short papers about their research findings and
    >results. The conference is formally closed with a general meeting where
    >several matters regarding the association are discussed, including the site
    >of the following AJL conference.
    >The sites of the former 17 conferences were the following: From 1992-1997
    >the conferences were held each term at a different location: University of
    >Barcelona and Santiago (1992), University of Oviedo and Valhncia (1993),
    >University of Murcia and Autsnoma de Madrid (1994), Autsnoma de Barcelona
    >and Euskal Erriko (1995), University of Coruqa and Lesn (1996), Complutense
    >of Madrid and Jain (1997). From 1998-2001 the conferences were held
    >annually: University of Salamanca (1998), university of Extremadura (1999),
    >University of Sevilla (2000), University of Huelva (2001) and University
    >of Alicante (2002).
    >As in the previous conferences, papers are welcomed. Each paper will
    >consist of the presentation of a research field for 20 minutes followed by
    >a 10-minute discussion. If you are interested in delivering a paper, please
    >consider the following indications:
    >a) The papers should be as accessible and pedagogic as possible due to the
    >heterogeneous audience expected. Please remember that there will be
    >students that might not be familiar with your theoretical bases.
    >b) Speakers are recommended to avoid the overuse of examples as it prevents
    >the general understanding of the exposition.
    >c) Literature references should be included not only in the oral exposition
    >but also in the handout given to the audience.
    >d) Speakers should not forget that the amount of information given has to
    >be proportional to the time (20 minutes).
    >If you are interested in ATTENDING OR PRESENTING A PAPER AT THE XIX
    >form you will find in our webpage and send it to us before the 31st January
    >2004 by both e-mail and snail mail at any of the adresses below and enclose
    >the bank warrant of a deposit of the fees in the following bank-account of
    >Caja de Ahorros Mediterraneo (CAM): 2090-2821-41-0064002266. Please
    >remember that all registration forms beyond the deadline will not be
    >admitted. Participants will be sent a second call in due time enclosing
    >the provisional schedule, the agenda of the General Meeting of Members.
    >Further useful information regarding transport, accommodation, etc, can be
    >found at the AJL web page.
    >The Conference Fees are:
    >a) Speaker member of the association: 36
    b) Non-member speaker: 42
    c) Non-)member attendant / non-speaker: 20

    >please send an application by e-mail and snail mail before the 31st January
    >2004 to the Conference Board. In your application please specify that you
    >only want to become a member for a year. This will entitle you to be sent
    >the information regarding the current Conference and the first call for
    >the next one. In your application please state your personal data (first
    >name, surnames, address, telephone, e-mail, post and university) and
    >enclose the bank warrant of a deposit of Caja de Ahorros Meditterraneo
    >(CAM) : 2090-2821-41-0064002266.
    >Should you need any additional information do not hesitate to contact the
    >members of the Conference Board or visit our Web-site:
    >e-mail address:
    >Sergio Maruenda Bataller
    >Dpt. de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya
    >Facultat de Filologia. Universitat de Valhncia
    >Avda. Blasco Ibaqez 32, 46010 Valencia.
    >Tlfno.: 96.386.47.18
    >Maria Josi Fernandez Colomer
    >Dpto. de Filologma Hispanica.
    >Facultat de Filologia. Universitat de Valhncia.
    >Avda. Blasco Ibaqez 32, 46010 Valencia.
    >Elena Benito Ruiz
    >Dpt. de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya
    >Facultat de Filologia. Universitat de Valhncia
    >Avda. Blasco Ibaqez 32, 46010 Valencia
    >Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
    >Yours faithfully
    >The XIX Conference of AJL Board.
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