RT and cognitive grammar

From: Laine, Päivö (Paivo.Laine@seamk.fi)
Date: Thu Jul 04 2002 - 09:18:19 GMT

  • Next message: Rocci Andrea: "RE: RT and cognitive grammar"

    I have followed with interest the conversation about the relationships between the Relevance Theory and syntactic theories. In my own work my intention is to apply cognitive grammar to the syntactic-semantic analysis of the coded communication and use the relevance theoretic model to explain user interpretation in the context of my research topic. I wonder if there incompatibility other than the claim of cognitive grammar to be able to account for pragmatic considerations too. I feel that the principle of relevance has added value compared to the purely cognitive grammar model in the area of pragmatics, but does it conflict with a grmmatical analysis based on cognitive grammar?
    Päivö Laine
    University of Vaasa, Finland

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