Teleo-functionalism -- in Gricean key

From: J L Speranza (
Date: Sat Jun 29 2002 - 23:08:52 GMT

  • Next message: J L Speranza: "From Relation to Relevance"

    I enjoyed M. Hegarty's comments in 'Functionalism & formalism' on
    "functional analogues", as it were, for natural language -- the Boeing 747
    and the genome.

    The topic has associations with two Gricean pet ideas, viz:

       i. the idea of a 'convention' as a functional atavism.
      ii. the all-pervasiveness of "teleofunctional" explanation.

    Re i: the linkage of 'functional explanation' and 'convention' is pursued
    by F. Newmeyer in e.g.

    Discussing the advantages of what he calls a _generalised_ ('holistic')
    variety of functionalism over a more atomistic one (which he associates
    with 'emergent grammar' and 'optimality theory'), Newmeyer writes:

      a given form ["device"] may enter the
      system to serve some specific function
      _and_ be retained -- by force of
      convention[ality] -- even _after_ that
      function ceases to be served.

    (and cfr. Newmeyer, 'Generative grammar meets Grice: an analysis of
    syntactic categories without prototypes' -- 5th IPRA, Mexico City).

    (For the record, the analogy brought by Newmeyer is between, say, 'syntax'
    and ... lung cancer:

      We *can* pinpoint _smoking_ as a cause
      of lung cancer *in general*, even [when]
      the *complexity* of a specific pathology
      prevents us from conclusively attributing
      this specific case to smoking. Similarly,
      we can pinpoint, say, iconicity as
      [the general function for a formal device]
      without _having_ to identify iconicity
      as the motivator for every specific device.).

    While Grice does trade on 'convention' ("conventional implicatures" which
    may or may not be some sort of 'fossilised' conversational implicature --
    WOW, p. 39, and cfr. p. 280), it is never clear just _what_ his analysis of
    'convention' may look like.

    (The idea that 'conversational implicature' is the ultimate functional
    explanation is expressed e.g. by C Gardent at

       "Conversational implicature -- paradigm of
       a pragmatic explanation -- offers a functional
       explanation of linguistic facts.").

    I would like to think he would endorse something like a Lewisian account --
    in terms of _arbitrariness_. (Cfr. Dibrell, 'Intention and convention: a
    reconciliation of Austin and Grice').

    Re ii: It is in _Aspects of Reason_ that Grice explores the idea of what,
    with Sperber, I shall call 'teleofunctionalism' -- see Sperber/Origgi -- at --

    Alluding to Lewis Carroll's famous stanza ('The Walrus and the Carpenter':
    'The time has come', the Walrus said,/'To talk of many things:/Of shoes --
    and ships -- and sealing wax --/Of cabbages -- and kings.') Grice proposes
    that certain items are best _described_ purely functionally:

       It does not require very sharp eyes, but
       only our willingness to use the eyes one has,
       to see that our speech [...] is permeated
       with the notion of purpose; to say what a
       certain kind of thing is is only too frequently
       partly to say that it is for. This feature
       applies to our talk [...] of, for example,
       ships, shoes, sailing wax, and kings; and,
       possibly and perhaps most excitingly, it
       extends even to cabbages".
             (Grice, _Aspects of Reason_, p. 35).

    Interestingly, Grice extends this proposal to the notion of 'sentence'
    ('Reply to Richards', p. 83).

    In the link by Sperber/Origgi mentioned above, the authors explore some
    considerations on 'funtions' in the work of R. Millikan.

    Crucially, Millikan distinguishes between a _direct_ function and a
    _derived_ one. The former is characterised in _general_ terms; the latter
    in 'casuistic' ones. Now, a _second_ qualification made by Millikan is
    between a (say, direct) function which is 'proper' and one which is not.
    Sperber/Origgi explore on this idea of what the 'proper' direct function of
    a system like a natural language may look like.

    Sperber/Origgi are concerned with defending a 'Gricean' view which Millikan
    rejects on various fronts ('psychological implausibility', derived status
    of the implicit/explicit distinction, etc.). And I think Sperber & Origgi

    Sperber/Origgi criticise certain current *evolutionary* functional
    explanations of linguistic form:

      It is as if the evolution of an organ
      of locomotion such as wings were discussed
      in terms of the _effects_ of locomotion
      such as fleeing a predator, finding food,
      or finding a mate, without considering the
      proximate [direct proper] function of
      the organ, namely locomotion.

    Millikan's [teleofunctional] account of a (biological/cultural) device is
    in terms of "the proper funtion"] causally responsible for the reproduction
    and proliferation of the device." For Millikan a given form [device] has a
    *direct* _proper_ function iff the form is such that it originates as a
    reproduction" of a [device] which, due to possession of the properties
    reproduced, _has_ performed the function." On the other hand, a given form
    has a _derived_ proper function iff the form is such that it originates as
    the product of some prior device that, given specific circumstances, had
    the performance of the function as a proper function AND which, under those
    specific circumstances, causes the fucntion to be performed by means of
    producing the specific device." (Examples:
        (i) "The pigment-arranging device of the chameleon's skin performs the
    function of hiding the chameleon by producing a colour pattern which
    matches the background on which the chameleon is sitting. Now, a _specific_
    pattern in the chameleon's skin, though never produced before, may still be
    said to have a function, and a "proper" one, even -- if a _derived_ one.")
        (ii) "A gosling's "imprint mechanism" has the *direct* proper function
    of allowing the gosling to fix an image of its mother so as to follow her.
    A _specific_ imprinting -- unique to a specific gosling -- will have the
    *derived* proper function of helping that specific gosling to follow [its

    As for 'artifacts' ('cultural items'): Consider a hammer [Unger's example]
    "The hammer has the direct proper function of driving a nail. It is the
    successful -- and repeated -- performance of this driving of nails by
    hammers that causes the proliferation and reproduction of hammers, as it
    were." Ditto for an expressive device such as language qua vehicle of
    utterer's meaning: "Among the effects that may correlate with a given
    "expressive device" ["form"], a device's direct proper function is what
    keeps communicators using it (the device's *conventional use)." "Now, the
    _derived_ ["particularised" in Grice's jargon?] proper function of an
    expression device may (but then it may _not_) be a mere token of its direct
    proper function -- as when a word is used to convey its conventional
    meaning". Sperber/Origgi write:

      "By rejecting the Gricean approach
      (or confining it to an occasional and
      marginal role), Millikan falls
      back on some version of the
      [code model] of communication."

    "For Millikan, the possible contextual meaning of a given expression device
    is that which is _conventionally_ associated with this device. Millikan
    does not deny the existence of utterer's meaning, but sees it as a
    departure from the "normal" form of communication".
     The truth in Grice's model is that
     we have the ability to interrupt and prevent the
     automatic running on of our talking and our
     doing-and-believing-what-we-are-told equipment.
     We do this when we discover evidence
     that the conditions for a normally effective
     talking and for a correct believing-on-the-basis-
     of-what-we-hear are *not* met".
     (Millikan, Language, thought & other biological
     categories, p.69).

    Rather, Sperber/Origgi propose that "a given device has, as its direct
    proper function, to indicate the utterer's meaning. The device performs
    this direct proper function through a token of the device which performs
    the *derived* proper function of indicating a *contextually relevant*
    [utterer's] meaning. [Contra Millikan] A device proliferates -- and
    stabilises -- because it causes highly reliable cognitive responses. A
    device provides communicators with informationally rich, highly structured,
    and reliably decoded evidence for the utterer's meaning."



    Block N. Troubles with functionalism
       (On yet _another_ side to Gricean functionalism
       as per Grice's 'Method in in philosophical psychology'
       repr. in Conception of Value).
    Carston, R. Pragmatics and the Explicit-Implicit Distinction.
       University College, London.
       (cited by Sperber/Origgi).
    Darnell, M, E Moravcsik, F Newmeyer, M Noonan & K. Wheatley, eds
       Functionalism & formalism in linguistics. John Benjamins
       Info from:
    Dibbrell WS. Intention & convention: a reconciliation of Austin
       & Grice. MS. Available via UMI Int.
    Gaines P. Functionalism & formalism
    Grice HP. Studies in the way of words. Harvard University Press.
              The conception of value. Clarendon
              Aspects of reason. Clarendon.
              Reply to Richards.
      In PGRICE, Philosophical Grounds of Rationality:
      intentions, categories, ends, ed. R. Grandy & R. Warner. Clarendon.
    Kirby, S. Constraints on constraints, or the limits of functional adaptation.
      In J. Darnell et al. Function, selection & innateness:
      the emergence of language universals. Oxford UP.
    Knight, C, M Studdert-Kennedy & J Hurford, eds,
       The evolutionary emergence of language: social function
       & the origins of linguistic form. Cambridge University Press.
       Info from:
    Lewis DK. Convention. Harvard UP.
    Millikan RG. Language, thought & other biological categories. MIT Press.
       White Queen Psychology & other essays for Alice. MIT Press.
       Language conventions made simple. JPhilosophy 95
       A common structure for concepts of individuals,
       stuffs, & real kinds : More mama, more milk, more mouse.
       Behavioural/Brain Sciences 9
       -- available online.
    Newmeyer F. Generative grammar meets Grice:
       an analysis of syntactic categories without prototypes. 5th IPRA, Mexico
       Language form & language function.
       Where is functional explanation?
       Abstracted in
    Sperber, D & G Origgi,
       Evolution, communication, & the proper function of language.
       In P Carruthers/A Chamberlain, eds,
       _Evolution & the human mind: language, modularity
       & social cognition_. Cambridge University Press.
       Available at:
       & D. Wilson. Relevance: Communication & cognition. Blackwell.

                            J L Speranza, Esq
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