Re.: RT and other theories

From: Anne Bezuidenhout (
Date: Thu May 30 2002 - 23:51:21 GMT

  • Next message: robyn carston: "Non-member submission from [ruth kempson <>]"

    Dear All,

    Steve Nicolle recently asked for suggestions for plausible syntactic
    theories compatible with RT.

    I suggest Kempson, Myer-Viol & Gabbay's Dynamic Syntax (DS). This seems
    to be a framework that is tailor-made for RT.

    DS is an approach to natural language syntax that is built around the
    idea that parsing of natural language sentences is an incremental,
    linear left-to-right process.

    DS is a grammar formalism that was originally developed as a way to
    represent and make more precise the RT claim that lexical expressions
    underdetermine their interpretation in context. But the formalism grew
    beyond concerns with underspecification, and is intended as a framework
    for representing the syntactic properties of natural languages more

    DS may not be as well developed as some of the other grammatical
    theories mentioned by Steve Nicolle, such as LFG, GB and P&P. However,
    in Kempson, Myer-Viol & Gabbay's recent book Dynamic Syntax (Blackwell
    2000), they show how their framework can handle syntactic problems such
    as relative clauses, WH-questions, crossover phenomena and quantifier

    There was a review of this book on Linguist List recently by Simon
    Musgrave (Linguist List 13.467 Wed Feb 20 2002), which gives a handy
    synopsis of the book for those who haven't yet seen a copy.

    Regards, Anne.

    Anne Bezuidenhout
    Department of Philosophy
    University of South Carolina
    Columbia, SC 29208
    Tel (803) 777-3738
    Fax (803) 777-9178

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