Grice Legacy

From: J L Speranza (
Date: Tue Aug 21 2001 - 17:57:31 GMT

  • Next message: J L Speranza: "onlist apology"

    In "Your emails to the RT list", lister writes offlist:

    >Like everyone else on the RT list

    "except presumably yourself"

    >I have put up with

    Not put _off_?

    >your largely
    >irrelevant and sometimes ridiculous contributions to the list.

    French sense of humour...?

    >I see
    >the list as an opportunity for those working within the relevance
    >theoretic framework

    "too much work and no play..."?

    >to share and discuss problems that arise in
    >their research and to share biliographical information.

    not ideas?

    >In this way,
    >the list can contribute to developments in relevance theory and in
    >semantics and pragmatics generally. It is difficult to see how your
    >messages contribute in any of these ways, and,

    Difficult in general? Would Robyn please let me know?

    >indeed, there are
    >members of the list who have been put off by your messages

    But you've just said, Put _Up_?

    >who have considered withdrawing from it. Obviously, it is simple
    >enough to delete your emails without reading them,

    I guess it's simpler to delete me and the Circle altogether. I did not mean
    wrong, though.

    >and this is
    >what I generally do these days. However, I wondered if you knew
    >that this was happening, and thought you should know.

    No, I did not know. I did notice that many people here do reply to me
    offlist... That may have to do with the default reply being the sender, not
    the list.
    I've received some pretty good feedback, though, both onlist and off. And
    even Dan Sperber cited me, and someone said my knowledge of Gazdar and
    R.M.Hare was impressive...

    >I would be extremely grateful if you would think more carefully
    >about the messages you are sending to the list.

    Hopefully, yes.

    I guess the person was, inter alia, upset by reference to "princess
    consort". Mind. sometimes, some irrelevant comment may do for some relevant
    brainstorm. But they it may not.

    >Some of us have
    >to deal with a great deal of email each day and it become tedious
    >and rather sad when someone uses an academic research network
    >in this way.

    Tedious means boring. But "sad". What if some academic finds it unboring?

    >Please do not reply to this email.

    No, I guess I won't.

    >Yours sincerely

    Yours sincerely.

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