Experimental paper on metaphor

From: Ira NOVECK (noveck@isc.cnrs.fr)
Date: Fri May 11 2001 - 10:39:21 GMT

  • Next message: robyn carston: "coordination conference"

    Hello everybody,
    Dan suggested that I inform the list about a recent paper on metaphor that
    just came out by myself and colleagues from Grenoble. Here is the
    reference and abstract (without italics):

    Noveck, I. A., Bianco, M. & Castry, A. (2001). The costs and benefits of
    metaphor. Metaphor and Symbol, 16(1&2), 109-121.

    Many researchers consider metaphor so fundamental to psychological activity
    that they claim that it does not require extra cognitive effort to process.
     While not disputing that metaphors are natural to human cognition, we
    argue that a metaphor's relative ease-of-use ought not be confounded with
    an expectation that it prompts no extra effort. As many studies show
    (including those presented here), metaphors often come with costs when
    compared to non-figurative controls (e.g. longer processing times).
    However, we also argue that the extra costs associated with an apt metaphor
    ought to come with benefits. This analysis, based on Relevance Theory,
    does a good job of accounting for some overlooked psycholinguistic findings
    concerning metaphor processing.

    I'll be happy to email a soft copy to anyone who is interested.



    Ira Noveck
    Institut des Sciences Cognitives
    67 Blvd. Pinel
    69675 Bron FRANCE

    Tel. (de la France): 04 37 91 12 68
    Tel. (from abroad): + 33 4 37 91 12 68


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