about cognitive pragmatics

From: RanYP (ttypran@public.guangzhou.gd.cn)
Date: Tue May 08 2001 - 15:21:20 GMT

  • Next message: R.J.Sim.: "Re: Headlines and the proposition expressed by them"

    Dear all,

    I've been doing some readings on RT and cognition, and my interest in cognitive pragmatics has thus been aroused. The term cognitive pragmatics appeared in the late 1980s, but the study of language use from a cognitive perspective actually began since the mid-1970s, even earlier. Sperber and Wilson, and Kasher's writing benefited me, unfortunately I didn't find a coherent definition, and furthermore I wonder what are the major topics which should be put under cognitive pragmatics, inferencing is believed to be one of its concerns. And I wonder whether cognitive pragmatics should be taken as a sub-branch or just a perspective to language uses; if it is assumed that pragmatic theories are a kind of communicative theories, while communicative theories are cognitive ones, too, then all phenomena (production and understanding) are related to cognition, is it possible, then, for cognitive pragmatics to have its definite scope? I want to have your illuminating ideas, if anyone would like to send me some papers, it will help me have a bettering understanding.
    Thanks in advance!

    Dr Ran Yongping
    Faculty of English Language and Culture
    Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
    Guangzhou, 510420, Guangdong
    P. R. China

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