spreading activation

From: Barbara MacMahon (b.macmahon@hud.ac.uk)
Date: Wed Apr 19 2000 - 12:04:11 GMT

  • Next message: liusx@wfu.edu: "RT and listening"

    Dear all,

    like David Keeble, I am interested in spreading activation models. The ones
    I am familiar with (such as Stemberger, J. (1985) 'An interactive activation
    model of language production' in Ellis, A. (ed) Progress in the Psychology
    of Language, Lawrence Erlbaum) are concerned with lexical access and
    retrieval, and offer a very nice explanation of certain types of speech
    error. The models I know only attempt to account for lexical production and
    reception (i.e. decoding) and assume context-independent processing at this
    level - hence no inferencing. This assumption is supported by
    psycholinguistic priming experiments on the context-independent processing
    of, for example, ambiguous words - there are lots of references to work in
    this area in Jean Aitchison's Words in the Mind.

    I haven't seen these models applied to text interpretation, and it seems to
    me a bit of a strange thing to try; although I don't know exactly what kind
    of connections David is talking about, it sounds very much as if you would
    need a model of inferencing in addition to a model of decoding processes

    Barbara MacMahon

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