Cognitive typology (and change of address)

From: Robin Setton (
Date: Tue Mar 28 2000 - 13:46:04 GMT

  • Next message: robyn carston: "forwarded message"

    Dear Friends and Colleagues,

    I am attending a conference on 'Cognitive Typology' next month and
    wondering whether there is any RT work - or even just theoretical musings -
    on the following sorts of questions:
            If the Principle of Relevance applies universally to all human
    information/discourse processing (as it does in my understanding of it) at
    what 'level' short of the varying surface morphology of languages might we
    expect variation in cognitive mechanisms from one (linguistic, cultural?)
    community to another?
            Put somewhat differently, do RT theorists see any grounds for recognising
    some intermediate organisation of representations (prototypes, schemas; use
    of metonymy or metaphor) which might be shown to vary significantly
    cross-culturally or cross-linguistically? Is knowledge organisation on the
    tentative RT account - in logical, lexical and encyclopaedic entries -
    deemed to be universal, or if not, might there be interesting or
    significant differences?
    An answer on the theoretical part would be great even without any empirical

    I'd be grateful for any references (or, dare I ask, new thoughts) on this.

    Thanks in advance.

    Robin Setton

    PS Change of address (below): I am now at the School of Translation and
    Interpretation in Geneva, where I hope to introduce my students to a
    relevance-theoretical approach to translation/interpretation theory (We
    have just launched separate DEAs (Diplome d'Etudes Approfondies) in
    translation and interpretation, in preparation for a PhD program).

    Prof. Robin Setton
    Unité d'Interprétation
    Ecole de traduction et d'interprétation
    Université de Genève
    Boulevard du Pont d'Arve 40
    CH-1211 Genève 4
    Tél. +41 22 705 87 53
    FAX +41 22 781 62 21 Setton

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