Praat scripts

Amplitude normalization

Automatically adjust peak amplitude of all the .wav files in a folder to maximum. This will make the amplitudes of all the files to be roughly, but not exactly equal.

•  Download/open _normalize_amplitude.praat (if the text of the script is displayed, just save the whole page as a text file)


A Praat script that allows you to

•  Get accurate f0 tracks using a method that combines automatic vocal pulse marking by Praat, manual correction by yourself, and a trimming algorithm that removes spikes and sharp edges

•  Label intervals and/or points for each sound (.wav) file

•  Exhaustively process all the .wav files in a folder

•  Get time-normalized f0 (for labeled intervals only) . Useful if you want to plot mean f0 curves averaged across multiple repetitions of the same word or sentence

•  Get time-normalized f0 (for labeled intervals only) with original time preserved. Useful if you want to plot mean f0 curves with averaged original time for each interval

•  Get rectified, trimmed f0 as PitchTier objects which can replace the pitch tier in Manipulation objects

•  Get sampled f0 (for labeled intervals only) -- f0 at fixed time intervals as determined by F0_sample_rate (number of points per second)

•  Get continuous f0 velocity (= first derivative of f0) curve (for labeled intervals only) -- at fixed time intervals as determined by F0_sample_rate

•  Get mean f0, mean intensity, duration, maximum velocity from each labeled interval

•  Get results in ensembled files: normf0.txt, samplef0.txt, meanf0.txt, maxvelocity.txt, duration.txt, and meanintensity.txt

•  Download _TimeNormalizeF0.praat

•  Read Frequently Asked Questions