RT list: RT Online Bibliography: December 2013 update

From: Francisco Yus <francisco.yus@ua.es>
Date: Sat Dec 28 2013 - 08:29:58 GMT

References updated or added to the RT Online Bibliography
(http://www.ua.es/personal/francisco.yus/rt.html) in December 2013.



Francisco Yus


Almeida, A.L.O. (2012) "A Teoria da Relevância e a interpretação de enunciados
jurídicos." Paper delivered at VI Seminário de Estudos Linguísticos e Literários
da FAFIPAR, 2012, Paranaguá.

Almeida, A.L.O. (2012) "Análise da manipulação da linguagem por litigantes nos
tribunais sob as perspectivas da pragmática linguística e da Teoria da
Relevância." Paper delivered at the 3rd European Conference of the International
Association of Forensic Linguistics. Porto (Portugal).

Almeida, A.L.O. (2012) "A pragmática e a Teoria da Relevância como instrumentos
na interpretação de enunciados jurídicos." Paper delivered at III Fórum de
Produção Discente do Programa de Pós-graduação em Letras da UFPR, Curitiba (Brasil).

Almeida, A.L.O., J.R. Mazuroski and J.C.M. Silva (2011) "Racionalidade
pragmática e relevância na aplicação das leis." Paper delivered at Seminário do
Centro de Estudos Linguísticos e Literários do Paraná. Londrina (Brasil).

Almeida, A.L.O. and J.C.M. Silva (2012) "Interpretação do Discurso Jurídico sob
as lentes da Pragmática e da Teoria da Relevância." Paper delivered at 2a.
Jornada Internacional de Estudos do Discurso / 1o. Encontro Internacional da
Imagem em Discurso, Maringá (Brasil).

Bardzokas, V. (2014) "Linguistic constraints on causal content: The case of
Modern Greek markers." Journal of Pragmatics 60: 160-174.

Blakemore, D. and F. Gallai (2014) “Discourse markers in free indirect style and
interpreting." Journal of Pragmatics 60: 106-120.

Capone, A. (2013) “ Further reflections on Semantic Minimalism: Reply to
Wedgwood.” In: Perspectives on Pragmatics and Philosophy (Perspectives in
Pragmatics, Philosophy & Psychology, Vol. 1). Eds. A. Capone, F. Lo Piparo and
M. Carapezza. Berlin: Springer.

Christie, C. (2013) “The relevance of taboo language: An analysis of the
indexical values of swearwords.” Journal of Pragmatics 58: 152-169.
(ref. edited)

Davis, W. (2013) “Irregular negations: Pragmatic explicature theories.” In:
Perspectives on Pragmatics and Philosophy (Perspectives in Pragmatics,
Philosophy & Psychology, Vol. 1). Eds. A. Capone, F. Lo Piparo and M. Carapezza.
Berlin: Springer.

Devitt, M. (2013) “What makes a property “semantic”?” In: Perspectives on
Pragmatics and Philosophy (Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy & Psychology,
Vol. 1). Eds. A. Capone, F. Lo Piparo and M. Carapezza. Berlin: Springer.

Dezecache, G., H. Mercier and T.C. Scott-Phillips (2013) “An evolutionary
approach to emotional communication.” Journal of Pragmatics 59: 221-233.

Dorjee, D., Garrett, M.F. and Harnish, R.M. (2013) “Mandatory processing of
implied content: Lessons from context effects on implicitures.” International
Review of Pragmatics 5(2): 217-232.

Ferreira, R.B. (2011) "Práxis comunicativa e arte literária: Relevância,
cognição e a observação do comportamento estético comunicativo." Paper delivered
at Anais do IX Congresso latino-americano de estudos do discurso. Belo Horizonte

Gross, S. (2013) “What is a context?” In: Perspectives on Pragmatics and
Philosophy (Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy & Psychology, Vol. 1). Eds.
A. Capone, F. Lo Piparo and M. Carapezza. Berlin: Springer.

Hopkins, L. and B. MacMahon (2013) “‘Come, what, a siege?’: Metarepresentation
in Lady Jane Cavendish and Lady Elizabeth Brackley’s The Concealed Fancies.”
Early Modern Literary Studies 16(3).

Ifantidou, E. (2013) “Pragmatic competence and explicit instruction.” Journal of
Pragmatics 59(A): 93-116.

Jiang, X. (2013) “Referential metonymy: Reference transfer and pragmatic
motivations.” UCL Working Papers in Linguistics 35: 1-20.

Kertesz, A. and F. Kiefer (2013) “From thought experiments to real experiments
in pragmatics.” In: Perspectives on Pragmatics and Philosophy (Perspectives in
Pragmatics, Philosophy & Psychology, Vol. 1). Eds. A. Capone, F. Lo Piparo and
M. Carapezza. Berlin: Springer.

Leonardi, P. (2013) “Language adds to context.” In: Perspectives on Pragmatics
and Philosophy (Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy & Psychology, Vol. 1).
Eds. A. Capone, F. Lo Piparo and M. Carapezza. Berlin: Springer.

Maillat, D. (2013) “Constraining context selection: On the pragmatic
inevitability of manipulation.” Journal of Pragmatics 59(B): 190-199.

Matsui, T. and T. Yamamoto (2013) “Developing sensitivity to the sources of
information: Early use of the Japanese quotative particles tte and to in
mother-child conversation.” Journal of Pragmatics 59(A): 5-25.

Mazzarella, D. (2013) ““‘Optimal relevance’ as a pragmatic criterion: The role
of epistemic vigilance.” UCL Working Papers in Linguistics 35: 20-45.

Noh, E.-J., Choo, H., and S. Koh (2013) “Processing metalinguistic negation:
Evidence from eye-tracking experiments.” Journal of Pragmatics 57: 1-18.

Padilla Cruz, M. (2005) "Relevance theory and historical linguistics: Towards a
pragmatic approach to the morphological changes in the preterite from Old
English to Middle English." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 51: 181-204.
(link to Academia.edu pdf added)

Padilla Cruz, M. (2010) "Metarepresentation and Indirect complaints: A
relevance-theoretic approach." In: In the Mind and across Minds: A
Relevance-Theoretic Perspective on Communication and Translation. Newcastle:
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 167-187.
(link to Academia.edu pdf added)

Padilla Cruz, M. (2012) “Metarepresentation, attitudinal utterances and attitude
combination: A relevance-theoretic approach.” In: Relevance Studies in Poland,
Vol. 4. Essays on language and communication. Ed. A. Piskorska. Warsaw (Poland):
WUW, 75-88.
(link to Academia.edu pdf added)

Padilla Cruz, M. (2013) “An integrative proposal to teach direct and indirect
complaints in the ESL class.” Paper delivered at the International Conference
Pragmatics on the Go. Teaching and Learning about Pragmatics: Principles,
Methods and Practices. Università degli Studi di Padova. 17-20 June 2013.
(link to Academia.edu pdf added)

Padilla Cruz, M. (2013) “Understanding and overcoming pragmatic failure in
intercultural communication: From focus on speakers to focus on hearers.” IRAL,
International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 51(1): 23-54.
(link to Academia.edu pdf added)

Padilla Cruz, M. (2013) “Meta-psychological awareness of comprehension and
epistemic vigilance of L2 communication in interlanguage pragmatic development.”
Journal of Pragmatics 59(A): 117-135.
(link to Academia.edu pdf added)

Rubio-Fernández, P., C. Wearing and R. Carston (2013) “How metaphor and
hyperbole differ: An empirical investigation of the relevance-theoretic account
of loose use.” UCL Working Papers in Linguistics 35: 20-45.

Santos, S.L. (2009) "A relevância da interpretação da piada na perspectiva
pragmática." In: Anais XIX Seminário do CELLIP, Cascavel.

Santos, S.L. and E. Godoi (2010) "Cognição e relevância: Uma análise pragmática
da interpretação de eununciados." Eletras 20: 1-12.

Santos, S.L. and E. Godoi (2010) "Por falar em humor... A relevância da cognição
na interpretação da piada. In: IX CELSUL - Círculo de Estudos Linguísticos do
Sul. Palhoça. Caderno de Programação e Resumos. Palhoça: Editora da Unisul.

Santos, S.L. (2012) "Pode a relevância ser concebida como ponte entre razão e
emoção?" In: Anais do X Celsul. Cascavel: Unioeste, 137-138.

Santos, S. L. and C Brunet (2012) "A tradução do discurso humorístico como um
processo cognitivo: uma análise de tiras em quadrinhos." Paper delivered at 2ª
Jornada Internac. de est. do discurso e 1º Encontro Internac. da imagem do
discurso. Maringá (Brasil).

Saussure, L. de (2013) “Background relevance.” Journal of Pragmatics 59(B): 178-189.

Silva,. J.C.M., A.L.O. Almeida and A. Mazuroski (2011) "Racionalidade,
pragmática e relevância na aplicação das leis." In: Anais do XX Seminário do
CELLIP, XX Seminário do Centro de Estudos Linguísticos e Literários do Paraná,
Londrina, UEL.

Silva,. J.C.M., A.L.O. Almeida and A. Mazuroski (2012) "Humor e ironia como
modificadores da (im)polidez no discurso publicitário." Paper delivered at 2a.
Jornada Internacional de Estudos do Discurso / 1o. Encontro Internacional da
Imagem em Discurso, 2012. Maringá (Brasil).

Turek, M. (2013) “You didn’t build that. A relevance-theoretic approach to
President Obama’s campaign flub.” Paper delivered at Weapons of Mass Seduction
Rhetoric and Political Discourse in The United States. Middleburg (Holland).

Wilson, D. (2013) "Irony comprehension: A developmental perspective." Journal of
Pragmatics 59(A): 40-56.
(ref. edited)

Yus, F. (1999) "Towards a pragmatic taxonomy of misunderstandings." Revista
Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 38: 218-239.
(new link added)

Yus, F. (2013) "Cognición, relevancia y nuevas narrativas digitales." Paper
delivered at AISPI 2013. Le forme del narrare: nel tempo e tra i generi. Pisa:
University of Pisa, November.

Zielinska, D. (2013) “The mechanism of the form-content correlation process in
the paradigm of empirical sciences” In: Perspectives on Linguistic Pragmatics
(Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy & Psychology, Vol. 2). Eds. A. Capone,
F. Lo Piparo, and M. Carapezza. Berlin: Springer.
Received on Sat Dec 28 08:30:11 2013

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