RT list: RT Online Bibliography: November 2012 update

From: Francisco Yus <francisco.yus@ua.es>
Date: Wed Nov 28 2012 - 08:24:53 GMT

References updated or added to the RT Online Bibliography (http://www.ua.es/personal/francisco.yus/rt.html) in November 2012.


Francisco Yus


Albu, E. (2012) The Pragmatics of Negative Structures in Political Discourse. A Relevance-Theoretic Approach. PhD Thesis. University of Bucharest (Romania).

Carston, R. (2012) "Word meaning and concept expressed." The Linguistic Review 29(4): 607-623.

Clark, B. (2012) "Beginning with 'One More Thing': Pragmatics and editorial intervention in the work of Raymond Carver." Journal of Literary Semantics 41(2): 155-173.

Clark, B. (2012) "The relevance of tones: Prosodic meanings in utterance interpretation and in relevance theory." The Linguistic Review 29(4): 643-661.

Corral Esteve, C. (2011) Los conectores discursivos de la lengua escrita en clase de español como lengua extranjera: una propuesta de trabajo. PhD Thesis. University of León (Spain).

Fretheim T. and W.A. van Dommelen (2012) "A pragmatic perspective on the phonological values of utterance-final boundary tones in East Norwegian intonation." The Linguistic Review 29(4): 663-677.

Furlong, A. (2012) "It's not quite what I had in mind': Adaptation, faithfulness, and interpretation." Journal of Literary Semantics 41(2): 175-191.

Meibauer, J. (2012) "Pragmatic evidence, context, and story design: An essay on recent developments in experimental pragmatics." Language Sciences 34: 768-776.

Pop, C.-V. et al. (2012) "Expert systems as adjuncts in assessing the interpretation of print advertisements by potential customers." In: Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences. Eds. R. Raducanu, N. Mastorakis, R. Neck, V. Niola, an K,-L, Ng. World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society Press, 186-191.

Rosales Sequeiros, X. (2012) Linguistic Meaning and Non-Truth-Conditionality. Berlin: Peter Lang.

Sperber, D. and N. Baumard (2012) "Moral reputation: An evolutionary and cognitive perspective." Mind & Language 27(5): 495-518.

Sperber, D. and N. Baumard (2012) "Moral reputation: An evolutionary and cognitive perspective." Mind & Language 27(5): 495-518.

Unger, C. (2012) "Procedural semantics, metarepresentation, and some particles in Behdini Kurdish." Lingua 122(14): 1613-1635.

Wedgwood, D. (2012) "Pragmatic demands on the form of grammar: Theoretical and methodological limitations on the grammatical code." The Linguistic Review 29(4): 545-562.

Wilson, D. (in press) "Irony comprehension: A developmental perspective." Journal of Pragmatics.

Yus, F. (2012) "Strategies and effects in humorous discourse. The case of jokes." In: Studies in Linguistics and Cognition. Ed. B. Eizaga Rebollar. Berlin: Peter Lang, 271-296.
(link added, see online bibliography page)

Yus, F. (2012) "Identidades físicas e identidades en línea: Atracciones, desencuentros y solapamientos. Paper delivered at Identitats Perverses, Identitats en Conflicte. Lléida (Spain), November.

Yus, F. (2012) "Internet y los géneros electrónicos: Cómo se alteran los discursos, el interés en leerlos y el esfuerzo de interpretarlos." Paper delivered at the University of Valencia / IULMA (Spain), November.

Yus, F. (2012) "Cyberpragmatics." In: The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Ed. C.A. Chapelle. Wiley-Blackwell.
(ref edited)
Received on Wed Nov 28 08:25:49 2012

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