RT list: how to use the list

From: Nicholas Allott <n.e.allott@csmn.uio.no>
Date: Fri Feb 18 2011 - 13:33:53 GMT

Hi all,

It's good to see so many people involved in such interesting discussion on the list.

Just a brief reminder that instructions on how to use the list are here: http://www.csmn.uio.no/homepages/nick/relevancemailinglist/

Two things that have come up in recent days:

1) To unsubscribe please DO NOT send mail to the list itself. If you do, your request will not work and will spam everyone on the list. There is a special address for subscription requests: relevance-request@linguistics.ucl.ac.uk (See the link above for how to use it.)

2) If you send a mail to the list and it doesn't get distributed within a hour or so, then it has probably been rejected because the email address it has been sent from is not the one that you are subscribed to the list at. There are various reasons this might happen, from the obvious, e.g. using a new gmail account instead of your work account, to the subtle e.g. your address having been changed by your university, but the old address having been preserved for incoming mail only.

Anyway, when this happens I will always find the bounced email in a day or two (it takes time because I have to sift through a lot of unsolicited junk to check for genuine attempts) and then fix the problem for you. You can speed that up by mailing me to let me know that it may have happened.

As always, if you have any questions or problems to do with the list, please feel free to email me.


Nicholas Allott
RT list admin
Received on Fri Feb 18 13:33:23 2011

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