RT list: RT Online Bibliography: September 2008 update

From: Francisco Yus <francisco.yus@ua.es>
Date: Mon Sep 29 2008 - 11:07:48 BST

References updated or added to the RT Online Bibliography (http://www.ua.es/personal/francisco.yus/rt.html) in September 2008.


Francisco Yus

Assimakopoulos, S. (2008) "Intention, common ground and the availability of semantic content: A relevance-theoretic perspective." In: Intention, Common Ground and the Egocentric Speaker-Hearer. eds. I. Kecskes and J. Mey. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 105-126.

Capone, A. (forthcoming) "Are explicatures cancellable? Towards a theory of the speaker's intentionality." Intercultural Pragmatics.

Kjoll, G. (2007) The "Content" of 'Content' -Applying the Lexical Pragmatics of Relevance Theory. MA Thesis. London: University College London.

Mateo Martínez, J. (2008) "Review of F. Yus's Virtualidades reales. Nuevas formas de comunidad en la era de Internet." Revista Internacional de Sociología LXVI, 51: 209-214.

Mateo, J. and F. Yus (forthcoming) "Business language from a cognitive perspective." In: Intercultural Business Communication and Simulation and Gaming Methodology. Eds. V. Guillén-Nieto, C. Marimón-Llorca and C. Vargas-Sierra. Berlin: Peter Lang.

Rauen, F. J. (2007) "Teoria da relevância e gêneros textuais: interfaces possíveis." Paper delivered at 4º Simpósio Internacional de Estudos de Gêneros Textuais / 4th International Symposium on Genre Studies, 2007, Tubarão, SC. Anais.. Tubarão: Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina, v. 1. p. 1012-1022.

Rauen, F.J. (2007) "Teoria da relevância e ensino: Reflexões sobre processos de compreensão em atividades escolares." Caderno Seminal Digital (Rio de Janeiro) 7: 105-126.

Rauen, F.J. and B.A. Rabello (2008) "Relevância e compreensão textual: Estudo de caso com leitores disléxicos fonológicos moderados e grupos de controle de mesma faixa etária e de mesmo nível de leitura". Revista Virtual de Estudos da Linguagem - ReVEL 6(11).

Rauen, F.J. and A.S.R. Vandresen (2006) "Análise do poema O barro, de Paulo Leminski, com base na escala focal de Sperber e Wilson". Revista Trama (Cascavel) 2: 73-86.

Rauen, F.J. and A.S.R. Vandresen (2007) "Aplicação da teoria da relevância em interpretações do poema O barro, de Paulo Leminski, por docentes do ensino fundamental". Diadorim: Revista de Estudos Lingüísticos e Literários 2: 131-150.

Rubio-Fernández, P. (2008) "Concept narrowing: The role of context-independent information." Journal of Semantics 25: 1-19.

Ruhi, S. (2008) "Intentionality, communicative intentions and the implication of politeness." Intercultural Pragmatics 5(3): 287-314.

Scott, B. (2006) "Whose story wins? Relevance theory and public diplomacy." Paper delivered at The Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association. Town & Country Resort and Convention Center, San Diego, California, USA.
(link added)

Sinex, M. (2002) "Echoic irony in Walter Map's satire against the Cistercians." Comparative Literature 54(4): 275-290.
(link added)

Vanin, A.A. (2007) A Relevância Em Comunicação: A Construção de Inferências Internas e Externas a Filmes Publicitários. MA Thesis. Pontifícia Universidade Católica Do Rio Grande Do Sul.

Yus, F. (2008) "Review of A. Nizegorodcew's Input for Instructed L2 Learners: The Relevance of Relevance." The Canadian Modern Language Review 64(3): 537-539.
(ref. edited)

Zhang, L. (2008) "Approaching navigational cues of web documents from relevance theory and genre theory." In: Proceedings of Beyond Borders: LIS Interacting with other Disciplines. The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. June 5-7, 2008. Eds: C. Guastavino and J. Turner.
Received on Mon Sep 29 11:08:04 2008

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