RT list: RT Online Bibliography: June 2007 update

From: Francisco Yus <francisco.yus@ua.es>
Date: Wed Jul 04 2007 - 09:43:20 BST

References updated or added to the RT Online Bibliography (http://www.ua.es/personal/francisco.yus/rt.html) in June 2007.


Francisco Yus

Bach, K. (2007) "Regressions in pragmatics (and semantics)." In: Pragmatics. Ed. N. Burton-Roberts. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 24-44.

Blakemore, D. (2007) "Constraints, conceps and procedural encoding." In: Pragmatics. Ed. N. Burton-Roberts. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 45-66.

Blutner, R. (2007) "Optimality theoretic pragmatics and the explicature/implicature distinction." In: Pragmatics. Ed. N. Burton-Roberts. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 45-66.
(ref. edited)

Burton-Roberts, N. (2007) "Varieties of semantics and encoding: Negation, narrowing/loosening and numericals." In: Pragmatics. Ed. N. Burton-Roberts. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 90-114.

Cappelen, H. and E. Lepore (2007) "Relevance theory and shared content." ." In: Pragmatics. Ed. N. Burton-Roberts. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 115-135.
(ref. edited)

Carston, R. (2007) "Linguistic communication and the semantics/pragmatics distinction." Synthese (special issue on philosophy of language).

Foppolo, F. (2007) "Between "cost" and "default": A new approach to Scalar Implicature." Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue, pages 125-131.

Groefsema, M. (2007) "Concepts and word meaning in relevance theory." In: Pragmatics. Ed. N. Burton-Roberts. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 136-157.

Horn, L. (2007) "Neo-Gricean pragmatics: A manichaean manifesto." In: Pragmatics. Ed. N. Burton-Roberts. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 158-183.

Moya Pardo, C. (2006) "Relevancia e inferencia: Procesos cognitivos propios de la comunicación humana." Forma y Función 19: 31-46.
(Adobe Acrobat format)

Noveck, I. and D. Sperber (2007) "The why and how of experimental pragmatics: The case of 'scalar inferences'." In: Pragmatics. Ed. N. Burton-Roberts. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 184-212.

Partington, A. (in press) "Irony and reversal of evaluation." Journal of Pragmatics.

Wilson, D. and R. Carston (2006) "Metaphor, relevance and the 'emergent property' issue." Mind & Language 21(3): 404-433.

Wilson, D. and R. Carston (2007) "A unitary approach to lexical pragmatics: Relevance, inference and ad hoc concepts." In: Pragmatics. Ed. N. Burton-Roberts. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 230-259.

Yus, F. (2007) Virtualidades reales. Nuevas formas de comunidad en la era de Internet. Alicante: University of Alicante, Servicio de Publicaciones.
Contents and introduction available:
(ref. edited)
Received on Wed Jul 4 09:39:41 2007

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