soft - JSRU parallel-formant speech synthesizer


soft (-I) (-x|-X|-r) (-i item) (-p parfil) (-g glotfil) (-l) (-f female) (-e extended formants) (-t stat_table) file


soft is a software implementation of a parallel-formant speech synthesizer. It is a new "C"-language implementation of the FORTRAN software synthesizer of JSRU report 1016.

An SY item in the source file file is converted to an SP item and written back to file.

Options and their meanings are:

-I Identify program name and version number, then exit.

-p paramfile Use the parameter file paramfile instead of the default parameter file. More information on the parameter file may be found in parfil(5).

-g glottalfile Read the glottal pulse shape and glottal area from the file glottalfile instead of the parameter file. The format for a glottal file is an ASCII file containing two lists of integers separated by spaces. The first list has 72 entries in the range -127 to +127 and represents the glottal pulse shape. The second list has 18 entries in the range 0 to 15 and represents the glottal area.

-x Write the excitation waveform and glottal area to the database file dbasefile. The excitation and glottal area waveforms are written as LX items.

-r Read the excitation waveform and glottal area from the database file dbasefile which must contain two LX items. The first is assumed to be the excitation, the last the glottal area. Selection of input waveforms can be over-ridden by item selections for LX: the first for excitation, the second for glottal area.

-i item Select input item number.

-l List the parameters and tables configuring the synthesizer to standard output and exit.

-X Generate the excitation and glottal area only. No speech item is generated. The excitation item and the glottal area item are written back to the database file dbasefile.

-f With this flag included the AHF formant is placed at 4200 Hz.

-e This flag includes formants at 3500Hz 4200Hz 5200Hz.

-t stat_table Use OP stat table file (produced by inlx(1) or statlx(1))


SFSBASE/data/nparfil - default parameter file.


dbsoft 1.0 - Mark Bishop and Paul Davies
2.1 - Mark Huckvale

soft 1.0s - Mark Huckvale
1.1s - Mike Judd
1.2s - Andrew Breen


JSRU report 1016 and "dbsoft" manual (Bishop & Davies)


The output sampling frequency (srate) cannot be changed (from 20kHz) without changing internal filters.
Fri Jul 09 14:54:36 2004