replay - replay speech or lx item through D-A


replay (-i item|-a item|-l item) (-r item) (-2) (-s startsec) (-S startsamp) (-e endsec) (-E endsamp) (-12) (-m|-M) file


replay is a program to replay waveforms through SFS supported Digital to Analogue conversion equipment. Control over which equipment is supported is defined in SFSCONFG.h at SFS compile time. Selection between a number of supported DAC devices is made by (i) the DAC environment variable and (ii) the SFS terminal to DAC map file $(SFSBASE)/data/dactable.

Supported DAC environment variable settings are:

sun SPARC-2 with 8-bit ulaw

sparc2 SPARC-2 with 8-bit ulaw

sun8 SPARC-2 with 8-bit ulaw

sun8-spkr SPARC-2 with 8-bit ulaw (speaker output)

sun8-phone SPARC-2 with 8-bit ulaw (headphone output)

sun8-line SPARC-2 with 8-bit ulaw (line output)

sparc10 SPARC-10 with ISDN 16bit sound interface

sun16 SPARC-10 with ISDN 16bit sound interface

dbri SPARC-10 with ISDN 16bit sound interface

sun16-spkr SPARC-10 with ISDN 16bit sound interface (speaker output)

sun16-phone SPARC-10 with ISDN 16bit sound interface (headphone output)

sun16-line SPARC-10 with ISDN 16bit sound interface (line output)

0..7 Masscomp DA08 - channel 0..7

ansi UCL/ANSI stdout transport - 16 bit

ansi16 UCL/ANSI stdout transport - 16 bit

ansi12 UCL/ANSI stdout transport - 12 bit

pp PC: UCL Parallel printer DAC

dt2811 PC: Data Translation DT2811 board

pclx PC: Laryngograph PC/LX board

eb12 PC: UCL expansion-bus 12-bit DAC

sb8 PC: SoundBlaster 8 bit

sb16 PC: SoundBlaster 16 bit

extend Vista Extend, (X-Server/PC) UCL Replay daemon

pipe sends data to $SFSBASE/bin/dacpipe

linux standard LINUX soundcard /dev/dsp

The default replay size is now 16-bits. Old 12-bit SP items can be flagged with the program sp12. Alternatively, use the '-12' switch to replay to force all items to 12-bits.

The Masscomp external set up should be:
Output signal from DAC channel 0.
Clock 0 wired to DAC gate.

Waveforms are loaded into memory before replay. Default action is to replay the last speech item in the file.

Options and their meanings are:

-I Identify program and exit.

-i item Select input item. A number of items may be selected, in which case a menu appears.

-a item Select all items of a given type. A menu appears, even if there is only a single item to replay.

-l item Select waveform item for left channel of stereo replay.

-r item Select waveform item for rigth channel of stereo replay.

-2 Specify stereo replay - looks for two speech items.

-m Force replay menu.

-M Prevent display of menu.

-s startsec Specify the start time for replay. Default 0 seconds.

-S startsamp Specify the starting sample number for replay. Default 0.

-e endsec Specify the end time for replay. Default: length of item.

-E endsamp Specify the ending sample for replay. Default: # samples in item.

-12 Input signal is 12 bits, scale if necessary prior to replay.


SP.xx Any speech item.

LX.xx Any excitation item.


5.0 - Mark Huckvale.


inwd(1), syout(1), Es(1), sfsdac(3)
Fri Jul 09 14:54:32 2004