antr -- annotations to tracks via mapping file


antr (-i item) (-r samplingrate) (-f feature) (-t ontime) (-h hi) (-l lo) (-o) mapfile (file)


antr creates track items from annotation items using a file which maps each annotation onto a list of binary features. Each track is the value of a feature for each instant of time covered by the annotation item, with value 0 if the current annotation does not have the given feature, and 1 if it does. A transient switch allows the feature to be on for a fixed period of time after a matching annotation. If no SFS data file is provided, the program simply reports the contents of the annotation mapping file.


-I Identify the program name and version.

-i item Select input item number.

-r sampling rate Select the sampling rate for the output track item. Default is 100Hz. Choose sampling rate of -1 to obtain sampling rate of input annotation item.

-f feature Select to create a track for an individual feature. Default is to create tracks for all features.

-t ontime For each annotation that has the output feature, switch the output trace on for this length of time (in seconds). Default is to turn on for duration of annotation.

-h hi High target value. Default 1.

-l lo Low target value. Default 0.

-o Re-write annotation mapping file, after sorting.


Each line in the mapping file must have the following format:
      <annotation> (<feature>)
where <annotation> is the name of an annotation to be converted, and (<feature>) is a list of feature names separated by spaces. Where a feature is listed after an annotation, then this feature will be converted to a track value of 1 when the annotation is present. If the feature is not listed it will be converted to a value of 0 when the annotation is present.


1.1 - Mark Huckvale
1.2 - Ian Howard, hi and lo target values.
1.4 - Mark Huckvale


Maximum of 32 features.
Fri Jul 09 14:54:41 2004