RT list: RT Online Bibliography: October 2014 update

From: Francisco Yus <francisco.yus@ua.es>
Date: Thu Oct 30 2014 - 12:25:21 GMT

References updated or added to the RT Online Bibliography (http://personal.ua.es/francisco.yus/rt.html) in October 2014.



Francisco Yus


Biegajlo, M. (2014) "Humour phenomena in sitcom: On addressing categories of humour pivoted on creativity in the creation of humorous effects." Paper delivered at Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation Conference 7. Warsaw (Poland), September.

Blass, R. (2014) "German evidential procedural Indicators ja and wohl in comprehension and argumentation." Paper delivered at Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation Conference 7. Warsaw (Poland), September.

Borthen, K. (2014) "A relevance-theoretic analysis of the Norwegian tag da." Paper delivered at Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation Conference 7. Warsaw (Poland), September.

Bromberek-Dyzman, K. (2014) "Irony on-line computation. Does the experimental task matter?" Paper delivered at Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation Conference 7. Warsaw (Poland), September.

Caetano da Silveira, J.R. and A.M. Tramunt Ibaños (forthcoming) "Inferences in advertisements: Exemplifying with relevance theory." Linguagem em (Dis)curso (special issue on relevance theory).

Campos da Costa, J. and C. Strey (forthcoming) "Inferences and interfaces: Validity and relevance." Linguagem em (Dis)curso (special issue on relevance theory).

Casson, S. (2014) "The Greek connective gar: Procedural meaning and persuasion. Different genres, different effects?" Paper delivered at Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation Conference 7. Warsaw (Poland), September.

Chiera, A. (2014) "Language in Interaction: The Role of Conscious Processes in Conversation." Academic Journal of Modern Philology 3: 7-16.

Clark, B. (2014) "Beyond comprehension, beyond interpretation: Relevance-theoretic stylistics." Paper delivered at Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation Conference 7. Warsaw (Poland), September.

Colston, H.L. (2014) "Styles of persuasion: Hyperbole, relevance theory and cognitive side effects." Paper delivered at Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation Conference 7. Warsaw (Poland), September.

Cursino-Guimarães, S. (forthcoming) "The mechanism of humour under relevance-theoretic perspective." Linguagem em (Dis)curso (special issue on relevance theory).

Debowska-Kozlowska, K. (2014) "The cognitive account of the fallaciousness of argumentation." Paper delivered at Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation Conference 7. Warsaw (Poland), September.

Debowska-Kozlowska, K. (2014) "The cognitive account of the fallaciousness of argumentation." Paper delivered at Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation Conference 7. Warsaw (Poland), September.

Depraetere, I. (2014) "Modals and lexically-regulated saturation." Journal of Pragmatics 71: 160-177.

Desilla, L. (in press) "Reading between the lines, seeing beyond the images: an empirical study on the comprehension of implicit film dialogue meaning across cultures." The Translator.

Dezecache, G., H. Mercier and T.C. Scott-Phillips (2013) "An evolutionary approach to emotional communication." Journal of Pragmatics 59: 221-233.
(pdf at ResearchGate)

Díez Arroyo, M. (2014) "'Ageing youthfully' or the rhetoric of medical English in advertising." Ibérica 28: 83-105.

Forceville, C. (2015) "Interpreting The Chinese Wall knowing Dutch and 'Dutchness'." Short Film Studies 5(1): 107-110.

Garmendia, J. (2014) "The Clash: Humor and critical attitude in verbal irony." Humor 27(4): 641-659.

Godoy, E. and R. Bueno Ferreira (forthcoming) "The communicative relevance in fictional discourse." Linguagem em (Dis)curso (special issue on relevance theory).

Hall, A. (2014) "The interpretation of subsentential utterances: A pragmatic approach." Paper delivered at Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation Conference 7. Warsaw (Poland), September.

Han, H. (2014) "A study of higher vocational students' English listening comprehension within the framework of relevance theory." Sino-US English Teaching 11(9): 639-648.

Jackson, R. (2014) "The role of intonation boundaries in the interpretation of spoken epizeuxis." Paper delivered at Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation Conference 7. Warsaw (Poland), September.

Jodlowiec, M. (2014) "How explicit are explicatures that interpreters recover." Paper delivered at Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation Conference 7. Warsaw (Poland), September.

Jodlowiec, M. and A. Piskorska (2014) "Metonymic relations - from full determinacy to underdeterminacy." Paper delivered at Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation Conference 7. Warsaw (Poland), September.

Jones, S. (2014) "Classifier constructions as procedural referring expressions in American Sign Language." Paper delivered at Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation Conference 7. Warsaw (Poland), September.

Kisielewska-Krysiuk, M. (2014) "Lying and the explicit-implicit distinction." Paper delivered at Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation Conference 7. Warsaw (Poland), September.

Leonetti, M. (2013) "On contrastive readings in the interpretation of NPs/DPs." In: Proceedings of the VI Nereus International Workshop: Theoretical Implications at the Syntax-Semantics Interface in Romance / Fachbereich Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Konstanz. Ed. Sofiana Chiriacescu. Universität Konstanz. Fachbereich Sprachwissenschaft: Arbeitspapier ; Nr. 127, 99-116.

Linde-Usiekniewicz, J. (2014) "Towards a relevance theory account of hate speech." Paper delivered at Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation Conference 7. Warsaw (Poland), September.

Lubberger, B. (2014) "The procedural marker loo in Indus Kohistani as an indicator of desirable utterances." Paper delivered at Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation Conference 7. Warsaw (Poland), September.

Mioduszewska, E. (2014) "Analogy and concept-relatedness in relevance theory." Paper delivered at Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation Conference 7. Warsaw (Poland), September.

Nakamura, C. (2014) "The linguistic tricks of Agatha Christie." Paper delivered at Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation Conference 7. Warsaw (Poland), September.

Nalewajko, P. (2014) "Seducing (with) the senses: Metaphorical representation of sensuality as the stylistic dominant in the short stories by Gabriel García Márquez." Paper delivered at Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation Conference 7. Warsaw (Poland), September.

Niculescu-Gorpin, A.-G. (2014) "A relevance-theoretic approach to stylistic choices in mother and child related discourse." Paper delivered at Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation Conference 7. Warsaw (Poland), September.

Nyiramahoro, C. (2014) "Understanding cultural ethos of conflict through Kinyarwanda proverbs." Paper delivered at Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation Conference 7. Warsaw (Poland), September.

Origgi, G. and D. Sperber (2000) "Evolution, communication and the proper function of language." In: Evolution and the Human Mind. Ed. P Carruthers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 140-169.
(ref. edited and new link added)

Padilla Cruz, M. (2014) "Participial adjectives and epistemic vigilance." Paper delivered at Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation Conference 7. Warsaw (Poland), September.

Piskorska, A. (2014) "What ironic utterances do not communicate to irony-blind individuals." Paper delivered at Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation Conference 7. Warsaw (Poland), September.

Piskorska, A. (2014) "A relevance-theoretic perspective on humorous irony and its failure." Humor 27(4): 661-685.

Prado, J., N. Spotorno, E. Koun, E. Hewitt, J.-B. van der Henst, D. Sperber and I.A. Noveck (in press) "Neural interaction between logical reasoning and pragmatic processing in narrative discourse." Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.

Ruiz Moneva, M.A. (2014) "Intercultural misunderstandings as a source of humour and irony in George Mikes' How to beat a Brit: A relevance-theoretical approach." Paper delivered at Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation Conference 7. Warsaw (Poland), September.

Sarapin, S. and P. Morris (2014) "When "like"-minded people click: Facebook interaction conventions, the meaning of "speech" online, and Bland v. Roberts." First Amendment Studies.

Sasamoto, R. and M. O'Hagan (2014) "Relevance, style and multimodality: Typographical features as stylistic devices." Paper delivered at Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation Conference 7. Warsaw (Poland), September.

Saussure, L. de (2014) "Verbes modaux et sous détermination." In: Papers dedicated to Jacques Moeschler. C. Blochowiak, C. Grisot, S. Durrleman-Tame and C. Laenzlinger. Genève: Université de Genève.
(pdf at ResearchGate)

Sax, D.J. (2014) "Vagueness of thoughts, speaker's approximation, or translator's approximation? On the pitfalls of translating the Polish indefinite numerals kilkanascie and kilkadziesiat into English." Paper delivered at Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation Conference 7. Warsaw (Poland), September.

Scott, K. (2014) "Communicating with a personal style on the World Wide Web: #context." Paper delivered at Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation Conference 7. Warsaw (Poland), September.

Scymanska, I. (2014) "The treatment of geographical dialect in literary translation in the perspective of relevance theory." Paper delivered at Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation Conference 7. Warsaw (Poland), September.

Solska, A. (2014) "Tropes of ill repute: Puns and (thwarted) expectations of relevance." Paper delivered at Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation Conference 7. Warsaw (Poland), September.

Song, M. (2014) "Choice-making in rendering culture-bound elements in literary translation: A case study on the English translation of "????." English Language Teaching 7(10): 13-21.

Strey, C. (2014) "Prosody and modal verb reading: The case of Brazilian Portuguese." Paper delivered at Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation Conference 7. Warsaw (Poland), September.

Uchida, S. (2014) "Another Look at "Cat in the Rain": Strong/Weak Implicature and Tortoise-shell Cats." Paper delivered at Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation Conference 7. Warsaw (Poland), September.

Unger, C. (2014) "Badini Kurdish modal particles dê and da: Procedural semantics and language variation." Kurdish Studies 2(2): 177-200.

Vasileanu, M. (2014) "What was a relevant translation in the 18th century?" Paper delivered at Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation Conference 7. Warsaw (Poland), September.

Vicente, B. (2005) "Meaning in relevance theory and the semantics/pragmatics distinction." In: The Literal and Non-Literal in Language and Thought. Eds. S. Coulson and B. Tomaszczyk. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 179-200.
(link to pdf at ResearchGate added)

Walaszewska, E. (2014) "Hedges and lexical concept adjustment." Paper delivered at Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation Conference 7. Warsaw (Poland), September.

Walczak, A. (2014) "Echoic irony in Philip Larkin's "Church Going" and "Water". A comparative analysis of Stanislaw Baranczak's and Jacek Dehnel's translations of "Water" in the light of Relevance Theory." Paper delivered at Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation Conference 7. Warsaw (Poland), September.

Warakomski, J. (2014) "Irony on the air." Paper delivered at Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation Conference 7. Warsaw (Poland), September.

Wilson, D. (2014) "Irony, hyperbole, jokes and banter." Paper delivered at Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation Conference 7. Warsaw (Poland), September.

Wilson, D. and D. Sperber (1993) "Linguistic form and relevance." Lingua 90: 1-25.
(new link added)

Witczak-Plisiecka, I. (2014) "Legal language - amidst the literal and the metaphorical." Paper delivered at Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation Conference 7. Warsaw (Poland), September.

Yus, F. (2014) "La seducción de lo no codificado." Paper delivered at Intermedialidad en la lengua y la literatura hispánicas. Coloquio Internacional. Université de Lausanne, October.

Zakowski, S. (2014) "'Here's another hit, Barry Bonds' Relevance theory & hip hop's punch line flow." Paper delivered at Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation Conference 7. Warsaw (Poland), September.

Zegarac, V. and J. Bhatti (2014) "Modern pragmatics as the literary theory theory." Paper delivered at Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation Conference 7. Warsaw (Poland), September.

Zhao, H. (2014) "The textual function of discourse markers under the framework of relevance theory." Theory and Practice in Language Studies 4(10): 2105-2113.

Zralka, E. (2014) "Principles of "Newspeak" in the Polish translations of British and American press articles under the communist rule." Paper delivered at Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation Conference 7. Warsaw (Poland), September.
Received on Thu Oct 30 12:25:48 2014

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