RT list: hello and question about clipping

From: Jonathan White <jwh@du.se>
Date: Mon Aug 30 2010 - 08:38:58 BST

Dear All,

I am new to this list, so I thought I would introduce myself and post a question. I studied linguistics at UCL, taking courses in Pragmatics with Deirdre and Robyn, but got my PhD from there in syntax.

I am now working on chat language and was looking at clipping. Horn (1984) has written about clipping as an example of an R-based implicature. So we can write "info" instead of "information" because we don't need to say any more than that, and the hearer can recover the full form as the most relevant. I was wondering if anyone had worked on this kind of example from a Relevance perspective? I know Stainton has written about ellipsis, and I suppose his work can be applied to clipping, but does anyone know of other researchers working on this kind of data?

All the best,
Received on Mon Aug 30 08:39:24 2010

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