RT list: Re: The Old Flouter

From: <jlsperanza@aol.com>
Date: Wed Dec 02 2009 - 01:24:37 GMT

Greenall gets abstracted:

Keywords: Paul Grice; Alfred Schutz; Cooperative Principle; Relevance;
Flouting; Implicature
--- Please note "Cooperative Principle"! Indeed, one of the complexities of
 Grice's scheme is that "Relation" ('be relevant') is one of the FOUR
conversational categories (as he calls them, 'echoing' -- and punning on --
Kant. It's only within the scheme:
    Co-op (A, B)
         A co-operates with B iff
                 F(A, B(G, p) ---> A(G, p)
-- apres Rosenschein, in Joshi et al, Elements of discourse understanding.
To cooperate is to yield to, if only momentarily, or honour, your
conversational partner's goals, as you perceive them, making them your own.
(F stands for Frame, G for Goal).
      1. Quantitas (Gk. posotes -- a coinage by good ole Aristotle)
       2. Qualitas (Gk poiotes, ditto)
       3. Relatio
       4. Modus
So, for Grice 'procedures' relating to the categories can be _flouted_
provided the 'flouter' expects the addressee will perceive that the
over-arching 'co-operative' procedure is NOT being flouted. To flout the co-operative
procedure you need extra credit, and a degree in Diplomatic International
Received on Wed Dec 2 01:25:12 2009

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