RT list: Utterance Interpretation & Cognitive Models III

From: Philippe De Brabanter <phdebrab@yahoo.co.uk>
Date: Tue May 19 2009 - 19:20:37 BST

First call for papers: Utterance Interpretation and Cognitive Models 3 The third edition of the Brussels conference on Utterance Interpretation and Cognitive Modelswill take place on February 5-7, 2010, under the auspices of the Belgische Kring voor Linguïstiek / Cercle Belge de Linguistique. The first edition addressed the issue of the semantics/pragmatics interface from a cognitive perspective and drew essentially on the work of semanticists, pragmaticists and philosophers of language. The second broadened the perspective by inviting the views of scholars from the related subfields of syntax, cognitive linguistics and evolutionary linguistics. For this third edition, the focus will be on the developmental and cognitive determinants of utterance interpretation. On the one hand, the ontogenetic development of our ability to interpret linguistic utterances provides invaluable insights into adult cognition; on the other, the methods of cognitive psychology, with their emphasis on experimental inquiry and empirical results raise crucial epistemological questions for the progress of research in the field. The focus of this third edition is fully in keeping with our continued ambition to reach across disciplinary boundaries and bring together researchers who, though belonging to different schools or traditions, all take a view of interpretation that is informed by cognitive concerns and share the assumption that the ultimate test for any theory of utterance interpretation is its psychological plausibility. Keynote speakers: Bart Geurts (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen) Jean-Marie Marandin (CNRS, Université Paris 7) Anna Papafragou (University of Delaware) Josef Perner (Universität Salzburg) Dan Sperber (CNRS, Institut Jean Nicod) Abstract submissions: In addition to keynote lectures, the conference will feature parallel sessions with contributed papers. We welcome submissions of abstracts for 25-minute papers that focus on the psychological or cognitive underpinnings of utterance interpretation or, conversely, address the implications that theories of any aspect of utterance interpretation can have for the psychology of language and for cognitive science at large. We also welcome papers from scholars who study utterance interpretation in connection with language development, impaired communication, non-verbal communication and non-human communication. Abstracts will be anonymously refereed by members of the program committee. Important dates: Deadline for abstracts: October 1, 2009 Notification of acceptance: November 15, 2009 Conference: February 5-7, 2010 Abstract format: - Only electronic submissions are accepted. - Abstracts should be submitted to the email address: uicm3@ulb.ac.be, with the following subject line: ''Utterance Interpretation and Cognitive Models 3'' - The abstracts should be sent as an attachment to an email message, in either MS Word (.doc), Rich Text Format (.rtf) or Adobe Acrobat (.pdf ) format - The length of the submissions is a maximum of two A4 sides, using 2,5 cm (1 inch) margins and a 12 pt font. Each abstract should clearly indicate the title of the talk, and may include references. In the interest of fairness these constraints will be strictly enforced. - The abstracts should be prepared for blind review, and include no indication of the name(s) of the author(s). Only anonymous abstracts will be considered. - The body of the email message should contain the following information: The name(s) of the author(s), affiliation, title of the paper and contact details (postal and email address). - A maximum of one submission as author, and one as co-author will be considered For further information, please consult: http://homepages.ulb.ac.be/~uicm3/
Received on Tue May 19 19:20:59 2009

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