RT list: Utterance Interpretation and Cognitive Models 2: Registration open

From: Mikhail Kissine <mkissine@ulb.ac.be>
Date: Mon Apr 28 2008 - 11:02:55 BST

UICM2: Brussels Conference on Utterance Interpretation and Cognitive Models

Registration is now open.
More details on the conference website:


Conference description:

The second edition of the Brussels Conference on Utterance Interpretation
and Cognitive Models will take place on July 19-21, 2008. While the first
edition addressed the issue of the semantics/pragmatics interface from a
cognitive perspective, this time we wish to adopt a broader perspective. The
conference aims at reaching across disciplinary boundaries and bringing
together researchers who, though belonging to different schools or
traditions, all take a view of interpretation that is informed by cognitive
concerns. We are convinced that a better understanding of how utterances
come to be endowed with meaning calls for collaboration between various
subfields of linguistics ‹ syntax, formal semantics, cognitive linguistics,
pragmatics, evolutionary linguistics ‹, as well as with other disciplines,
such as developmental and cognitive psychology, cognitive sciences, and
philosophy of language. However, whatever the theoretical background and the
empirical phenomena to be accounted for, in our view the ultimate test for
any theory of utterance interpretation is that it should be psychologically
plausible. We hope that the second conference on Utterance Interpretation
and Cognitive Models will help popularize this idea.

Keynote speakers:

Nicholas Asher (Austin University of Texas/CNRS, Institut de Recherche en
Informatique de Toulouse)
Robyn Carston (University College London)
Herbert Clark (Stanford University)
Jim Hurford (University of Edinburgh)
Ruth Millikan (University of Connecticut)
Robert Stainton (University of Western Ontario)
Leonard Talmy (University at Buffalo)
Received on Mon Apr 28 11:06:32 2008

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