RT list: Call for papers: North American Workshop on Pragmatics

From: Pilar Garces <pilar_garces@yahoo.com>
Date: Thu Feb 07 2008 - 11:05:16 GMT

The I North American Workshop on Pragmatics (NAWPRA) seeks submissions for presentations that address the general topic: PRAGMATICS AND CONTEXT and/or the three sub-topics:

1. Discourse markers/pragmatic particles
2. Contextual production and receptions factors differentiating speech and "speech-like" genres with contrasting genres
3. The pragmatics of language across the life-span.

Although proposals that respond to the topics suggested are highly encouraged, all submissions within pragmatics will be considered for inclusion.
The workshop will be held at Glendon College, York University, Toronto, Canada
from October 3-5, 2008. The names of our two plenary speakers will be announced shortly. Speakers will have 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion. A selection of papers presented at the workshop will be published in an edited volume.

The deadline for receipt of submissions is March 30, 2008. Please provide the following information:
The name(s) of the author (s)
The affiliation of the author (s)
The preferred mailing address, phone number and e-mail address for notification
The title of the paper
Any equipment requirements
An abstract no longer than 300 words
Notification of acceptance will be send via e-mail in April 2008.

Please send your submissions to either one of the following two addresses:

Dr. Marcia Macaulay, lennox@yorku.ca, Glendon College, York University
Dr. Pilar Garces Blitvich, pgblitvi@uncc.edu, University of North Carolina at Charlotte

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Received on Thu Feb 7 11:05:48 2008

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